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Greetings all

Thanks you all for your comments . I have just taken over two hours to secure the final yard onto the foremast . I assembled the parral beads and linked them to the yard, then fitted the yard and linked the parral beads around the mast and secured it to the other side of the yard. It only needs to be made tidy. Here's a couple of photos. DAVID






Really looks terrific David.  Looks like you're on the way to a display case.  How sweet it must be to be in the final stages of construction.The best to you.  Jerry


Greetings all

Thanks to you all for your comments and for viewing which is most appreciated . These photos I promise will be the last of the foreyard rigging which even I am getting a bit cheesed off with. OK here's were we are now. The final step on the foremast top yard is the tye which runs from a single block below the trestle trees down through the double block which Is lashed to the yard, it then returns up and through the single block under the trestle trees. It then terminates with a double block. The falls are a linkage between the block and a single block on a pendant lashed to the channel and belayed at the rear kevel on the forecastle. I decided to have a look at fitting the foreyard rigging but realized I would be making the yard more or less solid in position. This would be to dangerous as the yards are forever being bashed, and would end in broken rigging. I have put the rigging on but it is not belayed. Here are are a few photo which may makes things clear. So now I shall make a decision on what's next. Hammock netting, or main yards. Here's the photos. DAVID












Hello David,


Yep, you're the man all right!  You are so on your way and it all looks first class.  Hope the New Year is the best for you and yours,



Posted (edited)

Hi David

What a great set of pictures, your are making an outstanding job of the rigging. A real pleasure to see what you have done so far



Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)



Well here we are again with a bit of progress, after starting on the main mast. I looked at the hammock netting first, but that's all I did, looked. I started on the main yard and completed it ready for the jeers blocks and sling etc, then suddenly realized I had made it the same length as the foreyard. I then found I did not have any 8mm dowel left that was useable. The only piece I had left was so bowed you could throw it away and it would come back. So I simply made the main top mast yard out of what should have been the main yard. I when down to the local B&Q for some 8mm dowel and alas no 8mm but luckily they had some 9m, so it's the main yard tomorrow night. So here's were I am now. The main top mast yard is made and fitted but not belayed. The fitting of it is exactly the same as the foremast top yard, parrell beads and a tye . So here's some photos and time to bore you with the main mast yards for a couple of weeks. Once again thanks to you one and all for you comments and for viewing. Here we go again with photos.......DAVID












Hello derek

Thanks a lot, hope you are well . I messed up on the main yard , and made it to short, so converted it into the main top mast yard. I have got some 9mm dowel from B&Q and started to make the main yard last night. The only piece of 8mm I had left was like a banana . Were are you now with your yards,?? You should be well on , and due to post. Best wishes DAVID


Hi David, You have built a real masterpiece, something to be proud of for sure.

I have sent you a message and would appreciate your advice on this matter.



Hello Patrick

Thanks a lot Patrick .I have just been checking out your log, and things are looking really good. As I said there's lots going on this deck. And it's a good place to be , so you keep enjoying it. DAVID


Greetings all

Well at last I have got the main mast fitted. The truss pendants need rigging up with a block and tackle and a bit of sorting to do. So next is the top gallant to fit and on to the mizzen. I have knocked a bit of rigging loose, but it's more or less unavoidable. What I need to do is go back to the short run of shroud and ratline that I need to repair. So that's me for a week or so. Thanks to you all for viewing and your comments and here we go with some photos. DAVID











Posted (edited)


I'm very impressed with your work, you are an inspiration to us fellow HMS Victory builders who follow in your wake. And I'm sure you will have the shrouds and ratlines restored to good order in next to no time.




ps look forward to your next batch of photos.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello David..You really have it knocked.  Your Victory seems ready for a display case.  I know you have plenty to do but your Victory looks close to completion. I must say that I am very proud to be hobby associated with you.  With all the help you give to so many other modellers it's amazing you can get so much done on your own project.  It looks beautiful and I'm very happy for you.  By the way, thanks for being my firend..Take care,



Greetings all

Well at last I have completed the fitting of the yards to the mainmast, with only the need to tidy up, and do something about the belaying, and there is also a lot of knocking about going on now. It would be nice to be able to work on both sides of the ship without having to turn it, as even with a lazy Susan I keep knocking the bowsprit on the overhead lamp and have loosened a few threads. Anyway it's onto the bit of repair work on the mizzen shrouds , and then the mizzen yards. I had another look at the netting but alas that's all I did look. I am not going to bore you with lots of photos of the ship itself as they are getting a bit monotonous now. So here's just a few. Thanks a lot for your comments and for viewing. Here we go... DAVID













Hello David...No sense complimenting you because your work deserves more than that.  How nice it must be to sit back and admire your beautiful work; it scares me to think what I have to got hrough to get to where you are.  I can't even build some of my masts right.  I guess it won't be long and you'll be shopping for a display case.  It seems that it hasn't  taken you very long to accomplish the rigging although it probably feels like years to you.  You certainly nailed it.  Best to you my friend.....Jerry


keep up the great work wow its looking so good now   great work 


Hello chaps

Thanks a lot for your comments Lawrence and dragzz, you are certainly buzzing along Lawrence, and it looks like you are approaching the rigging. So just keep up the good work. Thanks a lot dragzz sorry to hear of your sad news. I look forward to you returning after your break . Take care. DAVID


Very very nice David allmost there now,quess you soon me ordering the casing material,i am a little bit behind you at the moment,hey dont forget the longboats,where they going personally mine are going in the sea behind the victory maybe one on a davit,for sure i am not going to cover up all that work i done with them,ok carry on with the good work and well done mate.     DEREK :pirate41:


Hello derek

Welcome back, and thanks a lot. I am on doing the mizzen masts now and have two yards made, and will prob have them fitted in a about 3days. The rigging in this area is a bit confusing for me, two of the yards point out backwards to be technical. But this is part of the fun, so they say. I think you must be ready to post, and let us see were you are with the yards and rigging. Good luck . DAVID


Greeting all

Here we are again after fitting the cross jack yard, and damage galore!!!!! Yes there's a lot of repair work to do, and prob best left till a lot later on. The yard is fitted with a sling and one truss pendant which belays via a block and tackle at the fife rail, which you can see on the photo. The deck also looks a bit drab and will need a good tidy up and a coat of varnish later. There is one more single block yet to be fitted on either side of the yard, which is the brace block. The braces themselves cross each other and are linked up from the after most shrouds of the main yard on both the starboard and port side. Anyway that's a bit tricky to explain, but as I said earlier there's lots going on and it's very enjoyable. Here's a few photos , and thanks to you all for all your comments, which are very much appreciated. DAVID












An amazing build of an amazing ship... I want Victory to be my last ship built.. your log will be so helpful to me... Well done.



Current build: Constructo's Union, 1:100 Brigantine


You may not be merrily rolling along...but, you sure are rolling...David, you're getting there, getting where I'd like to be and you're doing it beautifully.  I see the problems you're having but you see them too and that means you really know what you're doing.  You're making it easier for the rest of us following behind you.  Thanks for that and thanks for the great pictures.  Take care,



Greetings all

Well here we go again with another yard finished apart from the tye to link up to the falls, which will be done tomorrow. I have one more yard to fit on the mizzen mast which is the top gallant yard, and then I am directed to the lifts buntlines and leech lines. To be honest I had never heard of buntlines and leech lines until I started on the mast platforms. I had expected to fit the driver gaff and boom next , but as I said I am directed elsewhere. I have also linked up the two brace pendents which I was a dubious about when I looked at it on the plans, then I realized it was an angled view which became obvious.So one small spar to do then more fun with those buntlines things, and more damage. Here are a few photos. Thanks to you all for comments and viewing . DAVID








Hi David,

Did use black or tan line when you attached your perrals to the yards?




Current Build - Caldercraft Victory


Completed - Artesiana Latina Swift, Harvey, MGS Prince de Neufchatel, Imai USS Susquehanna, Mamoli Constitution, Rattlesnake per Hunt Practium, Caldercraft Snake, Diana, Kammerlander Duke William 


Waiting to be Launched -  Bluejacket Constitution



Proud member of The New Jersey Ship Model Society


Greetings all

Firstly mort the instructions were to use 0.25 mm black thread for the parral beads. All I have done tonight is link the tye on the mizzen topmast yard to it's belaying point which is a cleat on the poop deck. The truck needs to be connected to the aft most shroud, and on the photos you can see the tackle between a double block and a single block before belaying to the poop deck via the double block. The belaying is not tied off as you can see, and you can also see loads of repair work to do. Here a few photos showing the run of the connection from the yard to the belaying. See if it makes any sense to you. Here we go. Thanks a lot for viewing. DAVID








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