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HMS Victory by clearway - Billing Boats - 1/75

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A few people have asked me to start a build log for my billings victory so here goes! Decided to add part of the middle gun deck for at least one of the sets of ladders from the main deck- will cover the other hatchway with a grating- didn't want to weaken the framework in this area to avoid "hogging".










work so far- building up courage to start the planking next!


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Looking forward! What scale is it?


Cheers, DAniel

To victory and beyond! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/76-hms-victory-by-dafi-to-victory-and-beyond/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History: http://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/

Finest etch parts for HMS Victory 1:100 (Heller Kit), USS Constitution 1:96 (Revell) and other useful bits.


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if only those nice people at billings had supplied planks 30mm longer. These will be removed between 2 to 3 frames in and replaced.


datum lines so i can find all those holes again!


all the major planking in. next is to replank the transom- happy days!


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Keith  will you be double planking??? ,this is advertised as a double planked hull but in fact it,s only from the wale line up if you count the gunport strips as a bottom planking . Im only thinking if your filling and sanding the pins could be a problem . i think thats four billings Victory logs going now so hope you won,t mind a few questions now and again ????                           Boyd 

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Just single planking her Boyd. All the pins will be pulled then the hull filled and sanded, then the wales added. Seems a lot of trouble when she is going to be painted and "coppered" but best doing like this then you know the planks are going to stay and not come adrift. Dont mind the questions at all- keep em coming!


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new planking fitted around the transom- each strake was removed one at a time and the new one trimmed to fit.


thats most of the brass pins removed- will leave the ones in the new stern planking till the glue has had plenty of time to cure.


Templates made for marking out the gunports- used the ones on the laser cut ply sheets for measurements.


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over the bank holiday managed to get the gunports cut to approx size (will be opened out fully later) ,got the gun carriages made and started sanding the hull.


even though i'm modelling the lids closed i couldn't resist!


will paint them matt white then stain and varnish them.


primary rough sanding completed- will use fine grade from now. P.V.A'd all the hull below gunport level to help bind the planking together- this did lead to fun when sanding back though!


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Not much advance over the weekend due to nice weather and gardening taking priority! Got the overlays for the prow, keel and sternpost in place, fine sanded the upper hull and opened out the "un-lidded" gunports. Next job is to attatch the wales when the timber on order with local model shop arrives.




Will leave final shaping of upper hull till as late as possible as i dont want to weaken the bulwarks on the quater deck too much.


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Hello Keith

Thanks for your posts on my log. Your build is coming along fine, and your planking is excellent. I don't think you should regret not buying the jotika victory. I just have to look at your build and your mate Boyd's build log , Were there is something special going on. Keep enjoying your build along side Boyd's and you will have something to be proud of. DAVID.......Take your time

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While waiting for timber for the wales to be delivered (E.T.A. sometime this week) decided to finish the display stand- was varnished using ronseal quick drying dark oak stain and varnish. Also cut all the "blind" gunports to size.



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Thankyou Boyd, just using 5mm wide obechi for the wales as she is going to be painted. If i was leaving her "natural" finish would have used walnut. I am thinking of replacing all the ply posts for the pin rails with 4mm square walnut though and just varnishing them.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Not been upto much victory wise due to still aiting for timber to arrive for the wales and garden and outbuilding maintenance- oh the joy of built up felt roofing!!! Have been working on the gun carriages between though.


matt white base coat applied.


Iron work picked out in black.


Coats of light oak stain/varnish applied- about two more coats to go. The wheels will be done with dark oak.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to have a go at the window frames using the self adhesive paper method (franking labels) cut into 0.5mm strips- boy it was fun!


Firstnpacking strips were added same thickness as acetate.


Acetate was glued in place with humbrol "clear windows" then strips attatched.


gonna be fun painting these!



also did some work on the bows.


The admiral snook this shot of me working alfresco saying is that hms victory between your legs or are you just glad to see me!








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Managed to re-patriate the admirals pegs before she found out-Phew. Trimmed the top of the hull to shape- glad to see that removable support on the quarter deck out of the way. Only problem i have now is that, because i normally build merchant ships and fishing boats i would prime the hull and sand back to remove coarse wood grain. Unfortunately victory has lots of fine hull detail- Hmmmm maybe prime as is stands now then sand back to nearly bare wood before before adding the rigols and mouldings.




Just some of the fittings sorted- these tackle boxes come in really handy. That's a lot of deadeyes!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not been much done with models recently due to visitors and the untimely passing away of our tabby cat Jack who was 3 years old- he was rescued by the R.S.P.C.A. and adopted by us along with his sister- He did have health issues but he did have three happy years with us hunting every small furry animal within range of the house. Just wanted to post a tribute to him he was hell of a character!


Jack with his sister elizabeth or elly for short when only a few months old- our daughter is a massive fan of pirates of the caribean hence the names!

Back to HMS Victory- primed the hull twice which will now be sanded back to bare wood. also primed the wheels and stained them.





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