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Niagara by Rich_engr - Model Shipways - 1:64

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I'm anxious to see your painted hull.  The one ship I've completed, painting it's simple waterline was a bit of a challenge for me. Having to add a stripe on the Niagara raises the difficulty level several bars. 


Even though I'm no where near painting my hull, I've been thinking ahead (very novel approach for me) about how to paint that small thin waterline stripe. How does this process sound to you? First paint the waterline color, making sure to overlap the upper and lower color areas. Find a masking tape the width of the water line and using tick marks, lay the tape as if it's the water line. Pactra makes some thin tape of various widths, but I have yet to try this brand.


The waterline tape now becomes the base for adding wider masking tape to shield the upper and lower areas as they are painted and defines the waterline once removed. Based on my experience of one model ship with a much easier waterline, I suspect getting the tick marks and tape where I want, will be the biggest PIA. Does this process make practical sense?





Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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That seems like a reasonable approach.  Since I already painted the upper half, I might try painting the waterline a little wider than needed, then mask over that with tape that's the correct width.  This was my first hull painting job, so naturally I am trying to be careful since any misalignment will show up... 


But before I dive into the actual waterline, I need to figure out what color to use- the box shows a sort of teal, but I may have seen white or even a faded yellow on some models...


(ooh- just had a weird idea, that may/may not work:  instead of messing with super flexible masking tape, how about use a plank that's the width of the waterline, that runs the whole length of the ship, with some steam bending to fit the hull, and pin it in place?  I may look into this, but I'm not sure as to the practicality of it...)

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I'm certainly not an expert but it would be easy to validate your idea using scrap wood. I suspect your biggest risk may be bleeding under the masking plank. I have a strong dislike for the teal color and may use something else, possibly white.




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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Yea, I agree that bleeding may occur.  I second that regarding the teal- I may go with white or an off-yellow (to balance the color of the bulwarks)....  After the hull is done being painted, I still need to drill the hawse pipes and add the fashion pieces at the stern, and review the plans to make sure I didn't forget anything.  After that all checks out, it's on to the rest of the deck furniture, finish seizing the gun tackle & then their installation.


After the deck is done, it'll be the channels and chainplates, followed by shaping the masts & spars (which I am rather intimidated with at this point, but I know I'll conquer).  :)

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and review the plans to make sure I didn't forget anything. 


That's a good idea I should try to follow from time to time.... :P




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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I hope all is well Rich, your boat sounds like it is moving along. To reiterate some of Larry's thoughts I look forward to seeing your hull decked out with it's new paint job. I remember struggling with the waterlines as well on my bluenose but found that a tall plastic container or a tall beer can (means that you would have to buy one and drink it first) with two holes punched through for a pencil to snugly fit worked well. How goes the job hunt? It can be difficult process, but I hope it is going well for you.



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Brian,  yes I like the beer can idea (course I drink bottles)...  lol!  As for the job hunt, it's moving along (12-14hrs of looking and applying each day)- so far up about 25 applications all over the country, so we'll see...  plus, had 3 recruiters call.  Not as active/definite as I'd like, but it's better than nothing!  And thank you for the support- I truly welcome it and it helps me stay positive and upbeat.  :)


Regarding the waterline, I just may go without either the white or teal stripe- after looking at numerous pictures of the actual ship I don't see any line that separates the upper black section with the lower green.  I can probably start it this way, and if I don't like it, I can always paint over the top edge of the green with maybe a light yellow or white...


Should get some pics up in a day or two.  :)

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Rich (and Larry),


When I painted my hull I used this process.  Paint hull both above and below the green line with several coats of what ever color you choose.  I made a dark green by adding black to a Dark Bulwark Green (from Model Expo MS4801).  Then use add 2 runs of Tamya tape (it holds really good and does not bleed if you put it on carefully) equidistant above and below the water line.  Paint it with several coats of paint. (I made a light green by adding white to the MS 4801).  Once finished I added several coats of Minwax Poly.


If you want to use the the general colors of the original ship, those colors are in the plan.



Current build: US Brig Niagara


Completed builds:  Oseberg Viking Ship - Billing Boats

                                   Armed Virginia Sloop - Model Shipways

                                   The Phantom - Model Shipways


Next project:  Amati's Xebec


A ship has all the discomforts and lack of privacy of a jail with none of its safety or stability - Benjamin Franklin


Quis custodiet ipso custodes?




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BTW I built a simple waterline marker.  here are the pictures...I think that it is easy to see how it was done from the pics...but if you want I can try to remember the steps I took to make it.






Current build: US Brig Niagara


Completed builds:  Oseberg Viking Ship - Billing Boats

                                   Armed Virginia Sloop - Model Shipways

                                   The Phantom - Model Shipways


Next project:  Amati's Xebec


A ship has all the discomforts and lack of privacy of a jail with none of its safety or stability - Benjamin Franklin


Quis custodiet ipso custodes?




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David- thanks for the tips!  Your ship turned out great btw!  I  like the waterline marking device- I'll have to try that for my next build further down the road.  :)


But what I decided upon was to go with the basic black on the upper half, the regular hull green for the lower, and a 1/16" wide white pinstripe for the waterline.  I should have it all done tomorrow. 


My method was this (albeit not as efficient): 

  1. Painted the upper black portion down to the top edge of the waterline (lower part was masked.
  2. Cut strips of masking tape so they were exactly 1/16 in wide, and mask off the actual waterline.
  3. Paint the lower half the green.
  4. Reverse-mask the waterline (tape off both the top and bottom edge of my 1/16 in strip), and finally paint the white.

I'll get some pictures up tomorrow evening (after hitting the job boards, and hopefully the gym) of both the hull and deck (sorry no guns installed...  yet). 


(Painting the hull was actually somewhat sad, since all of the work of planking for two years or so is now covered up...  was weird seeing all of that naked wood disappear into the paint.....)

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BUSY DAY!  This was an awesome day for the job hunt (2 recruiters called, and had 2 mini phone interviews for a position I applied to on Friday, which is looking very promising!).  :)  At least it's some activity!!!


And, the hull painting is now complete (minus some touch-ups here and there, of course):











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I really like how the white pinstripe-waterline turned out- I'm very pleased with it.  Just need to do a few small touches here and there and then get to working on the deck stuff.  :)






So in a day or two (depending on interviews hopefully), I'll get the hawse pipes done, and then it's back to seizing the rest of the gun tackle (thank God the blocks are stropped at least!!!).  :)



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Rich, it sounds like the job hunt may be wrapping up!!!  I couldn't be happier for you,  I will have both my fingers and toes crossed for you today! Your boat look fantastic, and a whole lot closer to being complete.  Now your boat really looks like a Niagara.  Great job on the water line, I can't see any bleeding along your paint lines (a very difficult thing to do).  Great to see your photos.



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The paint job looks absolutely great! I hope you do not mind my stealing your idea for using white for the pin stripe. I hope the job interviews turn into offers for you. Are you getting any bites close to home or do you think there is a move in your future? If you do not mind tell us about your dog. We lost our Max (GSD) 3 years ago and have been without a dog for the first time in over 35 years.


David, thanks for the paint tips and the waterline kit details.




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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Patrick, thanks!!  Right now I'm in between touching up the paint, installing the hawse pipes/chafe blocks, and maybe work on the rudder a little...  I want to try to get most of the lower exterior finished before really digging into the deck stuff.


So it's some "house cleaning," or should I say, "hull cleaning" for a little bit.  :)

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Ok...  Managed to get the chafe blocks done (after 3 tries), painted, installed, and drilled the hawse pipes.  Also touched up most of the paint on the hull, and while doing so I accidentally got some read paint on the deck...  oops!!!  So I wiped the paint off, then sanded a bit, then re-stained the deck, and this also prompted me to stain the gratings (which turned out nicely).  So the boo-boo led me to some improvements on the deck- go figure!  lol!


Now it's onto the rudder- paint, fabricate pintles & gudgens, and add the chains.  :)  This should be fun, since I haven't soldered in a good while...

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Not much progress on the build this week due to job hunting (got a couple callbacks about 3 positions, mini phone interview, and a few more apps out...), mowing the lawn, and repairing the cord on the vacuum since the weenie dog chewed it (while it was plugged in- luckily he didn't get zapped!).


Last night and this evening I did manage to fabricate the pintles and gudgeons for the rudder.  Now I have to finish some shaping of the rudder post, then paint.  After that I'll make the tiller handle.  :)  Hopefully my soldering work will hold, since the iron is rather underpowered and had a lot of cold-solder joints.


For the pintles & gudgeons, I did the following:


1.  Cut a strip of brass about 1.5in long or so

2.  Drill holes for the rivets

3.  Bend into the "proper" shape

4.  Solder pins

5.  Dunk in the tank of Blacken-it.


I'll get some pictures up maybe tomorrow.  :)

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Currently I'm blackening the hardware for the rudder.


Due to upcoming phone interviews AND an actual in-person interview on Monday, I doubt there'll be much building going on over the next few days (which is fine by me)!!  :)


But, next up will be shaping the tiller bar and painting the rudder.  One thing I did notice is that I may have put the waterline a hair too low, since the line goes right through the top hinge of the rudder...  probably won't be perfect, but I'll just have to deal with it (otherwise it'd be re-painting the hull just above and below the waterline to correct this, which is a can of stink worms that I'm not going to attempt to open!!!!!)


Yay!!!  :)

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Rich, congrats on the interview!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed....




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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Good luck on Monday.  Hopefully, you can get some work done on the model this weekend to take some of the pressure off...

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Quick update: Pintles and gudgeons are blackened (actually more of the rust color like the gun hardware), and made the rear mooring cleats/blocks (after 3 tries for each). Not much progress, but every small piece here-and-there helps. :)


On the job hunt: interview on Mon went well, but waiting to hear back (it's a different part of engineering for me, but who knows- they def need the help). Also, had a phone one on Fri that was great, but I'm lacking some of the experience they need, so that was a no (was hoping for that one, since they did some really cool stuff). And I'm still trying to get back with another HR rep for a 3rd place (which is right up my alley)... Still hunting and praying! :)

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Sounds like some progress on the ship and the job hunt.   I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on the job hunt as that's out of your control.  The Niagara is in good hands, however.  :)

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Another quickie: In between recruiters calling today (should have a phone interview sometime this week, and one really awesome recruiter who takes the time to know her clients), and laundry, I managed to redo (again, for the umpteenth time) the stern mooring blocks. (It's amazing what a difference using the right size drill bit can make!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok...  been almost 3 weeks waiting for the phone interview... (To HR: if it's a NO and you are not hiring, then just tell me so, because the waiting is very difficult!).  Trying to re-strategize my job hunt...


So, to chill my mind a bit, I managed to paint the mooring chocks and install them, painted the rudder, attached the pintles, and I should have it mounted to the hull later this evening...


At least I got something done this week (not counting dishes, the lawn, and laundry.  lol!)



BTW, where have the rest of the Niagara club been???  Haven't seem too much activity lately.

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Hi Rich

Re your comment about re-strategizing the job hunt 

Could you set yourself up as a company and hire yourself out for specific projects,

short term or long term? 

And the Niagara Club. At least in my case business and house work get in the way 

My next priority with the Niagara is to sand down and fill the hull. Then I can do all the painting and  

start adding the deck fittings. Some of which I have built already


Kind Regards


Under construction  US Brig Niagara


Completed  HMB Endeavour - Caldercraft

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Rich -  you just made me realize that I've missed the Niagara Club myself.  Hope all of the folks are well but just busy.


Best of luck landing the job you want.  Sure doesn't sound like the old days out there.



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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The "re-center" idea is a good one. You've got a good attitude in this, I guess that's why your build is fantastic.  Job hunting and modelshipbuilding are much alike.  The world has changed greatly in the last decade.  What I'm hearing is HR's don't call back with a "no".  If they did, you'd ask questions and their answers could get them in hot water with the legal department.  Too many lawyers I guess. 



"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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