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    Ray reacted to kpnuts in Flower-Class Corvette by kpnuts - PLASTIC   
    Hi all well now I've finished Warspite I am putting some serious thought into the corvette. I know the purists will hate this but there are hundreds of corvette model builds out there, and, if you've got to know me at all you will know I don't do usual, so, I was thinking what I could do different, I could turn it into a luxury cruiser, but I want to keep the guns and stuff, so I thought maybe turn it into some sort of futuristic fighting ship, but no I actually like the look of it as it is, and that would change it a lot, so what I thought was. War gaming is quite popular what if you could play captain of your very own corvette. Obviously she would have to have up to date radar and stuff, for legal reasons I assume. So guys what would I have to alter legally (visibly I mean)if she was to exist now and be leased out to War game parties.
  2. Like
    Ray got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Hi Jason
                    I have added some photos of my Diana`s stern from point you are up to now, then forward to where the stern is nearly completed, there are a lot more steps from where you are now to that point, but part you are most apprehensive over is covered up by the stern galleries and cabin.
    I hope these photos help, I also found it difficult to get my head around this stern but I think it turned out OK.

    First planking sanded and filled

    second planking going on

    all on and filled

    completed and sanded

    galleries and cabin going over planking

    shows finished stern

  3. Like
    Ray reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Well heres a final post of the planking in process, will not bother to post anymore until first planking is complete as theres not likely much else to really share.  I'm deviating from the plans a little in the suggestion on planking, they indicate to start at the very top of the frames (I think), I've decided to lay a plank aligning with the main deck and then work up.  This is hopefully to ensure a consistent height of the gun ports to the deck, as the top of the bulkheads does not seem to rise slightly toward the stern.  The top edge of this plank was marked with a pen so hopefully will show up once all sanded, although it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.
    Anyway, here's wishing everyone the best of the season.  Merry Christmas everyone!

    Continuing planking upwards, starting to take shape...

    Cut out some sections in the balsa where the hawse holes will be, hopefully this will allow the holes to be open on the rear face rather going into balsa.  Not sure exactly how this will work but it can't really introduce any fresh problems.

    Also wanted to call out a tool that I've quite taken to, although I think it did appear on the 'list of most useless tools' on MSW 1.0. I bought this when I started my 'Snake' and never really used it.  However, I've found that this can really help give a better curve on the planks, otherwise with simple soaking and even with bulkheads appropriately fared, the planks tend to flatten in between the bulkheads as they are so far apart on this kit.  Using this tool, which simply crimps the plank its possible to get a much better curve with a dry plank.  This is proving especially helpful to get a nicer curve at the bow (In some places I think I had been a bit zealous with shaping the balsa a removed a little too much and had some flatter surfaces than I would have liked.  

  4. Like
    Ray got a reaction from Tim Curtis in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  5. Like
    Ray got a reaction from jaerschen in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Hi Guys
                  Many thanks for all the ticks and the many nice comments.
    I think "The Fleet" will have to wait for a Three Decker to arrive before taking o the French
  6. Like
    Ray reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    I have finally done something about the gap between the ship's railings on the fore and middle decks. It's not quite as I would like it. I think Arthur's nice rounded shape provided a better finish (the side decoration, not Arthur), but that's the way it worked out.
    This photo is a bit blurry but it shows how a piece of timber connects the top and bottom of the front railing.  The plans here are rather sketchy.

    This shows the curved transition from the fore to the middle deck which has caused me some angst.

    The front railing dry-fitted

    The two railings both dry-fitted



    The railings are still to be finally painted, poly applied and a bit of touching up will need to be done before gluing everything together.
  7. Like
    Ray got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Hi Guys
                  Many thanks for all the ticks and the many nice comments.
    I think "The Fleet" will have to wait for a Three Decker to arrive before taking o the French
  8. Like
    Ray got a reaction from de_kryger in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  9. Like
    Ray got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Top mast was fitted to the fore mast next, and the shrouds and ratlines have been added.
    One tip I do have, which I seem to have omitted to mention in my earlier posts on the shrouds and ratlines, is that, most kit manufacturers instructions for ratlines, recommend using .25mm, or which ever size natural thread and then stain it black (a very messy option in my opinion) there reasoning’s being that black thread is to stiff to use well Caldercraft thread is quite stiff, but I always use Amiti which is no stiffer than natural colour thread.
    The main and mizzen next.
    Shroud with 3mm block





    Shrouds And ratlines with Lady Nelson shows how big Diana is


  10. Like
    Ray got a reaction from teloo in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  11. Like
    Ray reacted to mtaylor in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    A very impressive looking fleet, Ray.
  12. Like
    Ray reacted to jim_smits in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    So when are you taking on the french?
  13. Like
    Ray got a reaction from mobbsie in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  14. Like
    Ray got a reaction from Blue Ensign in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  15. Like
    Ray got a reaction from gieb8688 in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  16. Like
    Ray got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  17. Like
    Ray got a reaction from jablackwell in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  18. Like
    Ray reacted to gjdale in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    A very nice collection there Ray. Diana is looking superb.
  19. Like
    Ray reacted to Timmo in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Coming together there ray. That's a fine collection of His Majesty's vessels.
  20. Like
    Ray reacted to S.Coleman in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    What a brilliant job you have done. It's come along a great succses. Now the fiddly part of rigging is here. Good luck!
  21. Like
    Ray got a reaction from capnharv2 in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  22. Like
    Ray got a reaction from schnu in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  23. Like
    Ray got a reaction from tarbrush in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  24. Like
    Ray got a reaction from davyboy in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    The main and mizzen top masts are now in place, and have all their shrouds and ratlines added, phew, I am glad they are all finished and that I split it up this way, as it did make the ratlines a lot less tedious to tie,I will now most likely add as much of the standing rigging that I can before fitting the tagallants masts.
    I have also included some photos of Diana with Pegasus and The lady Nelson.
    Firstly a lower fold down table I used to bring the rigging to a better level to work at

    Main and mizzen masts

    Completed ratlines

    Some photos of Diana with Pegasus And some with The Lady Nelson as well

  25. Like
    Ray reacted to jaerschen in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    I'm with Jason, a wonderful sight.
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