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Posts posted by Chasseur

  1. I have two kinds from our local outdoors store first is Soft Wire Copper Extra Fine W-C-XF comes in around .002"

    Second is Soft Wire Silver Medium W-S-M comes in around .003"

    I have seen even finer stuff at jewerly supply stores of which I will probably purchase along with the Veevus.

    Also I think one of the guys on this site mentioned the rewind copper from small electrical motors as well.

  2. Yes Igor that is the plan. I built the jig mostly for an article I am writing for lone warrior so the ratlines you see here are for a 1:300 scale warship. I am still debating whether to use thread or wire for Preussen's ratlines. If I go with wire then I'll have to use a little different method when attaching them in the bottle.


    I am just in the final stages of finishing the article for Lone Warrior and then I'll be onto the Preussen full time and looking forward to that en-devour soon.


    I am also looking at modifying my jig design if I use wire as I will be tinning and soldering the wire. The biggest hurdle is I'll be using very fine wire to keep the lines within scale.


  3. Excellent work here Jond. You are a true artisan.


    I love when nay sayers think things can't be done old school. People fail to believe things can't be sucessesfully scratch-built just as good as store bought or a 3D printer. Your gears look perfect to me and my experience when I worked off-shore was things looked a bit beat up and never perfect so your scale RC model will be very realistic and up to snuff!


    Looking good my friend ... Jeff

  4. Very interesting timelines here. In the second picture in the lower left corner you have a vintage brass coloured looking device. I haven't seen anything like it before. Looks like something right out of the Sherlock Holmes movies. What pray tell is it?


    P.S. Love the RC models you are building especially the Marblehead Pond Yacht.

    Very impressive Jond!




  5. I got the first two sets of rat lines started. First shot is overall look. Glued threads on with white glue then an extra secure with hair spray. Used Gem Tack to dollop the dead-eyes. Painted the lines with a flat black wash to get ride of the fuzz's. Used Raw Sienna and Dark Chocolate for dead eyes and Soft Butter to model the cordage between the eyes. A wash of Brown Ink to tone down the yellow a bit but just enough to give some contrast. These will be used for my 1:300 ships for an article I am writing but allowed me some practice for the Preussen. I decided to can the paper dead-eyes and go with Igor Sky's techniques for blocks et al.




    Second shot shows a close up and an number 11 scalpel blade for scale reference. Dead-eyes measure 1.5 mm in diameter.

    I am leaning towards using wire for the Preussen and soldering on each individual piece after I tin the lines. That way I can get even smaller in scale. We're entering the watch making trade here! Once I remove them I can trim a little closer and then they're ready to install.




    Just another tricky day in the man cave. Been so busy lately I rarely get into the cave ... Jeff


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