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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. I'll try to take a shot of the gammoning tomorrow Frank, but I don't think it will help much in terms of "how". And you're right about it being kinda tuff to get to. Just apply a little CA to about an inch of your rope to stiffen it....and begin by pulling more than enough length through on the lead end to complete the job. I had to work with the ship laying in my lap most of the time.

  2. OK friends, time to dust off my Mayflower builds. They've sat there gathering dust since mid October and I need a break from the lifeboat project.

    So, after an hour of thorough cleaning, I added the gammoning to the bowsprit. Added chesstrees and catheads, and began working on the standing rigging.

    No pics yet. Think I'll wait til standing rigging is done.


  3. Mr. Piet, Sir.... You never cease to amaze AND thoroughly entertain us. For a modeler, every trip to your build seems like a walk through an endless candy store.

    So, what cha gonna do with that awful looking "prototype" once you turn to building "the real deal"?

    I don't even have to tell you what I think you should do with it....do I?

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