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Posts posted by SawdustDave



    Built this this little display base for the small model....




    Added the flags to both ships....(printed from internet search)....




    And there you are.... All Done.




    What Next?

    Not sure yet.  A friend is sending me a set of plan sheets for The Royal Sovereign.... by Carta Augusto (Italian) 


    I searched for a build log from someone - can't find one. 

    I did find a number of photo's and a very interesting "History", which after reading, I'm surprised I can't find more on her.


    She looks like a major challenge for a scratch build, but might be just what I'm looking for, as long as it doesn't require plating the hull.... never again! 

    Best I can figure, the plan sheets appear to be about 1:60th scale, which is the same as the larger Mayflower above.   

    I'll soon find out once the plan sheets arrive.

  2. Really surprised how quickly these little sculpie projects were completed. 




    Just noticed, I still have to stick the little boomkin on.




    Flags will finish them off.... then I've got to build a display base for the smaller one.




    Note the difference in the white painting of the stern.  Although the smaller scale is more like the photo of the Mayflower II, I personally prefer the looks of the larger one. 

  3. Tried to get in on that little ramhead block I showed earlier.



    Here's the ramhead block rigged for the foreyard halyard.... securing it down below the deck was quite a challenge.

    Not real happy with it, but ain't about to re-do this little baby.



    Finally fitted the water pumps. Seems like I built them forever ago.


  4. UPDATING Mayflower 2.... (the Bamboo Lady)


    Finally completed the rigging.




    The rigging went much better on the larger scale model after practicing on the smaller one first. 

    The spritsail was still quite a challenge due to the fact that there 18 blocks involved in the rigging of this one yard.




    Belaying these lines to the pins on the beakhead gave me a fit on the smaller scale.  Went much better this time.




  5. So excited to get word you're bringing this amazing work of art to Fayetteville, I sat my wife down to show her this build.... Just so she would understand my excitement, right? After a few minutes, she actually took my iPad from me and spent the next 45 minutes going through it, beginning with page 1. She could not put it down. Now Piet, you need to understand, that is the biggest compliment I have ever paid anyone.

    As for the rest of us mortal fans.... You can join us in Fayetteville in April and have the pleasure of eyeballing this amazing U-boat close up. I can't wait!

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