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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Began the morning with a real downer. Ready to begin rigging spars for both Mayflowers and discovered that all the blocks in my boneyard are too large for either of these ships. My bad!

    So now, I'll work on shaping the larger scale spars while I must wait for Model Expo to ship me my blocks.

    Then remembered, a friend had recommended the Syren Company's blocks as being much better quality.... So I placed an order with Chuck.

    I'm going to have blocks coming out my yang!


    Pretty excited to begin their riggings....







    Finished and assembled. Four or five coats of poly and ready to hang. Pretty pleased with the way it came out EXCEPT FOR ONE THING...


    I decided the little sail boat in the center of the original just didn't really represent my "Ship Yard" since I don't actually build sail boats. I build SHIPS.




    So I've got to come up with something more appropriate for the center.

    Guess I'll have to break out the carving tools....

  3. EdT....

    You really are beginning to present a unique challenge to the rest of us mortals. Although I can't speak for the rest of our MSW friends, I think we all have the same problem of trying to find appropriate words to express our appreciation for your amazing skills.

    Words like "WOW!" and "OMG!" just don't do the job.

    Just now looking at your carvings, my personal response was "You've got to be SHITTIN' me!"

    But, I could never write something that crude in this public forum of gentlemen and refined ladies.

    So I'll just continue with.... WOW!

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