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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Omega....I hear both sides (NC vs SC) claimed victory (who can argue). This is the same result every year. Also, no one has ever actually seen either of their boats. Hmmmm. :)


    Piet....seriously, your latest progress is absolutely amazing, as usual. True genius.



  2. Piet my friend, I thought you might enjoy this photo I took this weekend while attending Wilmington's Annual North/South Carolina Submarine Races.

    This action shot was taken from the deck of the battleship USS North Carolina as they crossed the finish line.

    Very intense huh?



    I can get you and all of our friends tickets to next year's event.

  3. Progress on the beakhead construction is beginning to take shape. At least I can finally enjoy seeing the last of her decorative colors now installed. Both sides of the panels have been planked with a thin vaneer of bamboo strips.




    My personal opinion, this is the most challenging part of the Mayflower construction....and possibly the most fun to do.

    Thought it would be a good time to show the inboard side of these stanchions at this point, prior to pressing on with completion of the grating and adding the port side top panel.



    A closer view of the stanchions. I am nailing each stanchion with steel wire to add to their strength.



  4. My dear friend Omega....as much as I admire your pure intentions, I personally think you concern yourself too much with an issue that only you could possibly identify. Not being a purest by nature, it is difficult for me to relate to your dilemma based on what you said regarding your abilities to modify the plans of the Ticonderoga.

    Besides that, I don't see that you have any other option.

    What scale?



  5. Took a quickey shot of the re-planking of the beakhead bulkhead after I spent most of the morning drilling out the opening for the bowsprit (finally got up the courage).

    Note, the shade of the bulkhead planks appears to be a little washed out....that is due to the angle of the overhead light used to get this shot. I'm not the greatest photographer.

    Any of us who have ever done this knows the challenge of getting the precise angle and hole size through the planking without damaging the deck or the bulkhead. The process can definitely get a little harry.


    The second photo shows the different tools I used to begin very small and work my way up to an opening large enough to insert that 18" long drill bit and begin measuring and adjusting the angle.

    Final shaping was done mostly using the rat-tail file and the small Dremel rasp bit shown.


    Now, we shall move forward with the entire beakhead.

  6. Been so deeply involved with my little project (thanks for your many visits), it took me a while to catch up from my last visit Piet.

    Totally blown away here. Your log is absolutely captivating. You are such a gifted story teller, along with your amazing skills as an artist. I'm thinking it will be a day of celebration, mixed with sadness when you make your final posting and declare the O 19 done.

    Along with your many friends I salute your excellence.



  7. Finally got around to treenailing the beakhead deck and bulkhead....then realized something ain't right here. Then it hit me....the bulkhead planking should be bamboo....the same as the hull planking.

    The walnut strips seen here were applied prior to my decision to use bamboo to cover the hull.

    Just another do-over walk in the park.


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