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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Thanks mates.

    Since I will be donating this smaller one for the charity auction in Fayetteville, it really is a load of my mind to know it will be finished in time.


    Having never sold a model ship before....

    Does anyone have a suggestion as to what amount I should set as the "Minimum Opening Bid"?

    And how much would I hope to get for this one, considering the proceeds go to charity?


    Now, I can turn to the "Bamboo Lady" and focus on finishing her up.

  2. Beginning with the fact that I finally have a rigged yard (Lanteen)....




    Creating the Parral was probably the most challenging task related to this stage.



    Note the addition of the Topmast Backstays (Main and Mizzen), which I discovered had not yet been completed.



    The Garnet Tackle, seen here, was another little surprise task I discovered that I had not previously completed.



    All in all, this was a fairly straight forward rigging task, made much tougher by the fact that I had not done that much rigging in over three years. I think I may be beginning to get a little feel back.

    Not quite there yet.... but making progress.

  3. Rigging the tackles for the main and mizzen masts turned out to be a little less difficult than I expected, but will admit, they would have been much easier if I had completed this task before rigging the shrouds (as recommended by Chuck in the instructions).

    Much tougher on the small ship than the larger one.








    Now.... FINALLY... I can begin hanging some spars.

  4. Here you go....

    Seen here, I nip off the tip of each end and mark the length of the shank and the top end. Then cut the toothpick in half.




    Make up a bundle of as many as you wish to make.



    First cut.... score with Exact-o blade then shape with small file.



    Next cut....score with Exact-o blade and shape with small file.



    Final shaping....



    Hope this helps. Pretty simple process.... Less than 5 minutes per pin.

    Sorry that 4th pic came out a little out of focus, but you get the point.

  5. Pulled out Chuck's instruction book, which I must admit, I have not been using up to this point.... my mistake.

    If I had been reading Chuck's instructions, rather than just creating and building to the Plan Sheets, I would have read the last paragraph on page 38 under the heading Mizzen Stay....

    "You might have thought it logical to rig the shrouds on the main mast next. But doing so would make it harder to tackle the mizzen stay"


    Guess what!!!!


    That's not all....

    So I go to work on, SOMEHOW working out a way to rig the tackles to the main and mizzen masts, and discover that I don't have a single belaying pin in my bone yard that is the right scale for the smaller ship.


    Not the first time I've created belaying pins from tooth picks....




    Still trying to do everything the hard way.

  6. I have come to think of this crazy "hobby" we love in terms of fine art.

    Having said that....Matt should feel honored.

    I guess, even Michelangelo might have taken advise from fellow artists as he was chiseling away at the statue of David.


    I think EdT's Young America might possibly be the Mona Lisa being created before our eyes.

    If Ed is da Vinci, reincarnated as a modeler, by comparison, most of us would be Charles Schultz.

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