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Posts posted by cobra1951

  1. I can sympathize, Bob. I had a Billings model of the Bluenose that was trashed by an angry kitty. I put it aside, and 10 years later came back, stripped it to the hull and rebuilt it. That's what got me restarted on the hobby. I must say your acceptance of the situation is better than mine was! Hi Baily! Good boy!


    What else can you do but accept it and move on. Worrying about it won't make it any better so i don't. :)  smile and move on



    Jesus, Cobra, what have you done? I am so sorry. That hurts. Time to start a scratch build.



    I made the mistake of thinking you can play with your dog in the same place as a wooden kit :D My fault not his  :) 

  2. Hi Mr Pucko

                        Yes you mean the part that has the 2mm x 5mm Strips glued on to it, so the wedge can move back and forth. I will try it out with 1mm x 5 mm strips before final assembly :)

    Thanks for your input

    One other thing i am going to look into changing is the Gun Port covers they are far too thick :o

  3. Thanks Mr Pucko
    I will check it out before final assembly. I am working from the booklet mostly and only use the plan sheet for double checking anything I'm not sure of because the plan sheets are older. Probably the same ones that Mantua made before Panart  changed some of it.

    But there are still loads of errors in both the plans and booklet :huh:

  4. Nice choice...to tell you the truth, if my dog got the Bounty I wouldn't build another one.      


    And it has nothing to do with AL  :)


    For me to buy another AL kit i would have to be able to view the contents before purchasing, because of all the bad timber in the kit i had. And i know others have had bad timber in theirs also



    Awe yes using the bed as a playground has it's price ;)  ;) . You have the right attitude in saying it's only wood, carry on.


    I have always had the attitude of worrying about it won't change anything so i don't :)

  5. Hi Paul

                Will test everything once i have the parts built up. In the instructions the hatch covers do not look like they are in the same position on the upper and lower decks, to me this is incorrect but i will see better once i get to that stage and adjust everything as needed (hopefully lol) :)

  6. Hi Per

    Bounty is beyond resurrection :huh: in fact it's already in the the rubbish bin  :o  lol

    Thanks for the concern for me and my dog, he is fine apart from thinking he had done something wrong which he hadn't, but lots of biscuits sorted that out :D

    As for me i moved on and forgot it within 5 minutes, i did think of setting fire to it and pretending it was a replica of the Bounty when they left it at Pitcairn :D :D :D

  7. Hi EJ, what you see is all kit wood and the quality is great. The only wood i am planning on adding myself is to the exposed beams and frames at the end of the build. I am going to add 0.5 x 6mm Lime over each exposed beam and frame then painting them white. This should give me a better finish rather than painting over the exposed ply edges.

    Thanks for noticing i had not added the simulated tree nails around the sides of the coamings, i had forgotton to add them :o but better to find out now than to remember when the top deck is partially planked :huh:

    The tree nails are indented and i use this to make the hole, then i use the point of a pencil to darken it and make it slightly wider



    Tree nails duly added (thanks to you :) )



    The holes are a bit closer in the last photo but the camera angle makes them look more closer than they are.

  8. Thanks guys you seem more concerned than me :D  It's only wood and i would rather i landed on it than the dog, imagine trying to find the splinters in all that hair :D


    I am already partially through another build i have been doing alongside the Bounty.

    Also i am thinking which boat kit to get next probably not another AL because of the quality issues i had with their wood

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