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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Tom, I'm thinking of going to around the 1797-ish period with my build. I have no doubt that AOTS has many inaccuracies in it. I have also had my doubts about Corne's paintings though. It seems like there are some things missing or added from painting to painting.
  2. The stove and brick base are just first class. Are you planning on painting your stove?
  3. Wow Augie. Your transom and quarter galleries are simply stunning. The black is a very rich and contrasts nicely with the rest of her. You are making this kit look very easy.
  4. Hi AJ. When I crafted these I only soldered pieces together for the pieces on each end of each run. I soldered the tiny little U-shaped rail cradles to the end stanchions and a little pin to the bottom of them. I drilled corresponding holes into the caprails where they were being placed. For the remaining stanchions I measured on the stanchion railings where they were coming into contact with one another and cut a little hole into the bottom of the railings and the railings were then able to sit into place on top of the stanchions. For the look of the little U-shaped cradles with these inner stanchions I used black card paper to simulate them. It sounds a little flimsy but was actually pretty strong once all the glue dried. I hope this helps. I'm not the best at soldering so the end pieces were quite a challenge.
  5. Bob, thanks for that. I'm going to keep up my search for something in turned brass. I always like the look of the brass cannons that have been blackened slightly for the look of bronze.
  6. Well, I was planning on doing some work tonight but while I was examining the false keel I started to cut out of one whole sheet of ply I found that I was rather hasty on getting the copies of plans attached and the reference lines don't make one straight line. I'm glad I'm double checking everything (there's some sarcasm there) before cutting. I'll have to grab another piece of 1/4" wood to do this now. Maybe I'll grab something that's solid rather than a ply.
  7. John, the small lathe is on the wish list. I'd like to be able to construct the capstan and other parts from scratch. The 48" lathe I have will not do the trick. I'll probably just see if I can find something close and if they need modified then so be it.
  8. Augie, thanks for the information. It's come to my attention that I will be needing 30 24 pounders, 16 18 pounders and 14 12 pounders. I'll have to scale down measurements for the armaments to see it I can find something close.
  9. John, thanks for stopping by and welcome aboard. It's a virtual world so every seat is in the front row. If you're bringing beer I figure I'll request some bourbon then. The scroll saw will definitely get a lot of use. I need for the weather to warm up so I can put it through it's paces. Tonight I'll use my hand saw to start cutting out slots on Connie's false keel. On the advice of other's I ordered Commander Martin's book, A Most Fortunate Ship, and I found Ironsides! the Ship, the Men and the Wars of the USS Constitution by Charles Brodine Jr. I also was given a link to some valuable resources online from Navy records. The link is http://www.history.navy.mil/USSCTour/frDrawings.html. This has many drawings on it so I shouldn't have to order the CD ROM from the museum. The resources are piling up and I'm already starting to lean in favor on some decisions. I'm thinking the five window configuration is going to be what we'll see on my finished model. I've also found a rendering of the original figurehead courtesy of this website: http://www.civilwartalk.com/threads/winter-storm-hercules-in-boston.93938/. I'll guess we'll be putting my carving skills to the test.
  10. I wouldn't normally use it for bonding a non-wooden piece to wood. If you're trying to bond something like metal or plastic then I'd use CA glue.
  11. Augie, welcome aboard! I'm looking forward to making some sawdust later and I'm sure I'll be breaking in that scroll saw. Measurements from Chuck's cannons would be great!
  12. AJ, your boat looks very nice. That's some very clean and precise work. The oars are top notch too.
  13. Evan, thanks for that link and I just ordered Commander Martin's book. Tom, didn't mean to hijack your log. I'll just start watching now.
  14. Bob, I noticed you did an excellent job with your kit's cannons. Did you have to do any reworking or reshaping to get them to look so crisp? I'm looking at the ones in my kit and shaking my head. Thanks for looking in on me.
  15. Evan and Russ, thanks for the input on that. Having no carronades may make getting her guns a little easier. I'll just need to read through AOTS and some other books I have to dig out of storage. Thanks for looking in.
  16. Thank you Sailor. Your compliment and time mean a lot to me. I'm hoping to do a better job on my Connie.
  17. Danny, I've been following your builds since I joined this website and have yet to comment on one of them. Your work is simply immaculate. I'm glad to see some active progress despite the difficulties.
  18. Mike, I really enjoy the progress we're steadily seeing. Your scratch building skill are amazing. I especially like the selection of wood you are using.
  19. shihawk, I know you wanted to go with an all natural wood finish. Have you heard of yellow-heart wood. It's absolutely yellow and might serve for the yellow stripes on your Victory. I haven't worked with the wood myself but constantly see it in woodcraft stores. Ebony or a dark wood with ebony stain might suit you for the black parts of Victory as well. I just figured I'd add my two cents while looking in on your log. I plan on tackling the Billings Victory one of these days myself and am looking in on others building the same kit.
  20. @ Tim, I don't know if it's more detailed or not. I'm just trying to pool all of the available resources to do the best job I can. I've heard about a mythical CD in the past, but can't remember where I heard about it or where to order it.
  21. Nigel, I thought of them and Billings. It's now mainly a matter of me measuring my kit's cannons to see what their dimensions are to see if they match. I was also wondering if Chuck's 12 pounders might come close. I am already planning on ordering a number of blocks from him to begin with. 1/76th scale is just an oddball scale in ship modeling. I will continue my research.
  22. Ben, I'm hoping to get some work in before the weather here in Ohio turns too nice and I am drawn outside like a moth to a flame.
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