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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Very nice looking launch CaptainSteve!!! The planking with the stain looks fantastic.
  2. This is looking pretty sharp so far. I'll admit that I haven't seen this particular technique before, but it looks like you have thing well under control. I like how clean your corners are on the superstructure. I'll be following along for sure.
  3. John, I'm chomping at the bit to get more done on her, but I have to let this glue dry for at least an hour before unclamping them. Patience is NOT one of my better virtues. LOL
  4. Mike, you sure don't disappoint with the regular updates. The framing looks great!
  5. Don't sweat the plastic. Many folks use it on there builds here and in the end, if it looks better than you should definitely go with it. The wheel housing looks fantastic!
  6. The window frames look good. Personally, I think the .5 thread looks better.
  7. Bill, Connie is looking like she's ready to punish some Barbary pirates!!! The carronades are looking excellent!
  8. Yeah, Murphy sucks big time!!! Sorry about the mishap, but I'm sure this will result in a much better replacement.
  9. Popeye, the slots for the bulkheads were actually way too loose so I glued down a little bit of extra thin walnut strip (leftover second planking from my Bluenose 2) to make up for the play in them. I had to sand this down slightly to get them to fit snugly (but not too tight). The pictures I've included today is my first bulkhead in place with some right angle aluminum to hold it perfectly there. I've also measured and cut some blocks to help evenly space the distance between bulkheads. I'll be gluing bulkheads all day. Thanks to all for looking in.
  10. Tom, I'm noticing that every step of the way now requires me to check plans, check sources, go back to checking plans and line things up to make sure all of my drawings are to scale. Popeye, the defects are minor thankfully. John, I don't use the disc sander that much, I don't have the control with it like I do with the spindle sander. Nigel, my plan is to install the gundeck and some bracing for the upper bulwarks and then plank the hull. I'm still wrestling with leaving some spar decking off to show the gundeck. We'll see... As always, thanks for looking in. I'm in the process of finishing the bulkheads and getting them in place. Some are tight enough that right now they are introducing some warp to the keel.
  11. Bill, your Constitution looks great! The 24-pounder and carronades look awesome. Great job with the rigging on them.
  12. Tim, LOL! Your build log is incredible and your hard work really shows. I, on the other hand, may be stealing that picture you just posted.
  13. Tom, great fix with the deck halves. The gunport framing looks great and I'm anxious to see some planking installed. You've been doing incredible work.
  14. Rich, your build is exemplary. I don't understand why Constructo would plan for so much waste. At any rate, keep up the awesome work!
  15. I know, I know... It seems like quite a bit of time since my last update on Connie. The bulkheads have required so much modifying for what I want to do though. I still have to take it all apart and put some more on them. I've also noticed that some of the bulkheads got some glue while still in their cut out sheets. I think MS may have snapped a piece or two and glued it back while in place. No matter though since it appears that it's strong enough and they'll be covered. I'm going to add some strip wood to the outsides of each of these pieces to thicken up the framing towards the tops to allow for fairing.
  16. Bob, your work is amazing! I'm going to admit... what you've been doing has been inspiring me to bash the absolute Hell out of my kit. Keep up the awesome work and momentum.
  17. Bob, those are going to be some very busy pinrails! They're looking great.
  18. I have been working at it, but haven't really had an pictures opportunities until now. For those familiar with the MS Connie kit, you'll notice that the bulkheads have been modified. I cut the spar deck support from these bulkheads. Since I shaved off a 1/16" from the center keel piece I had to match that to the bulkheads, so using the belt sander I smoothed the remaining stub from the center spar deck support and shaved the bulkheads by 1/16". Again, the 1/16" is to make up for the gundeck planking. I shot a picture of the pieces put together, but there is no glue yet. I have to mark the bulkheads with where the gundeck is going to be and sand off the remaining stubs from the inner bulwark sides. You may have also noticed that I haven't gotten to the last bulkhead, R. I will be working on that as well so I can show off a complete room back there.
  19. Popeye, that paint is outstanding! I'm definitely eager to see this with the decals.
  20. Tim, your build log reads out like an in-depth practicum. The details are making want to purchase this kit and have a go at it.
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