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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. historyguysteve, I'm certainly no expert on this subject. Do you have a build log with some pictures though? We'd love to see what you're putting together.
  2. Very nice crow's feet Sjors. Your rigging is very clean.
  3. Al, Ben and Nigel, thanks for looking in and the words of encouragement. I have been steadily getting these bulkheads up to standard. It's a slow process though. I'm cutting out the starboard side of the copies of the plans, tracing the profiles onto 1/8" thick basswood sheets and cutting these out. Once I've got the proper shape on the starboard side then I take that same template or gauge and use it on the port side and then I'm assured symmetry.
  4. Tom, I know where you're coming from concerning your decision to close it all up. I was on a similar train of thought and the admiral shut me down. She said if we're going to take the time and money to do the things you can't really see then you'd better open it so we can see it. The waist section is something I'm still not too sure on. The original draught lines show this as not being an open waist and then of course, we see the normal sectional at 1812. Seriously though, the knees look great and is one hell of a stepping stone to scratch building. Bottoms up!!!
  5. Frank, I think the dog might be able to safely embark upon her ! I'm finding little nuances here and there that are disturbing given the normal retail cost of this kit, but they are all easily overcome with some time and patience. Like I said, I love Model Shipways kits. Their instructions are near the top of the list when comparing kits and they don't skimp on materials either (I usually have enough wood strips left over to almost construct another smaller ship). You'd assume that the plans wouldn't even be an issue and the other sheets showing detail certainly are ample.
  6. Dang it Augie, you did it again. Those pictures take my breath away. Those are outstanding details. You forgot to mention the beer and fishing for after spring cleaning.
  7. Awesome plans Frank. I look forward to seeing your pictures.
  8. Tim, I'll be cutting the gauges out in my garage today if I'm granted enough time before wife, kids and life in general get home. Popeye, Her name is Sadie and she's feeling under the weather lately so she's sitting comfortably next to me. I'll let you keep guessing on the one picture (it's got absolutely nothing to do with ships or modeling). And as Augie followed up with a comment, I'm not really happy with the fact that the plans are like that. I'm going to be going off of the starboard side of the plans of the bulkheads because they have cleaner lines and don't include the bevels. I'd just like to say, I love everything else about Model Shipways kits, but I got me thinking and I drug out the old Niagara plans and same thing happened there too with asymmetrical bulkhead plans. Just a hurdle to jump and then I'll be on my way. The one benefit of this has been that I am planning better and now have an idea for using everything I'll be doing for a future scratch of the United States, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.
  9. Jose, great start so far. I would like to follow along as you build. It looks like you're very careful and precise; good qualities to have in this hobby.
  10. Thanks for looking in Tim. I used the poplar as blocks because it's pretty hard and I had a bunch laying around. I'm only using the aspen to cut out some gauges for making sure the left and right sides of my bulkheads are identical. It's too soft in my opinion for this hobby as far as being an actual part of the model.
  11. Very nice work on the shot racks! The second planking is looking beautiful as well so far.
  12. Rich, let's hope Constructo contacts you soon to make some more progress. My admiral has the same issues with my shipyard and the cleanliness of said area.
  13. Oh, what I didn't mention is that I will be using the copies to cut out some gauges from thin aspen that I can use to make sure the sides match up properly on each bulkhead.
  14. It's been two weeks since I've posted on this log. If you're wondering "What the h**l has that guy been doing?" I'm here to explain. When I started on the Niagara I had some suspicions that the bulkheads weren't matching from the left side to the right side. I started to get that feeling with Connie too. I checked the plans and even the plans didn't have perfectly matching contours when comparing the left and right sides (I'll use proper sea-going terms when this starts to look like a ship). The sides of my ship are not matching up to one another despite carefully aligning the center lines of them to the center line of my false keel. This is going to make life difficult when trying to plank given my slight case of OCD with this build. To try and correct this I cut apart plan sheet one into the separate bulkheads and then made copies of them all. This will also help with future builds of sister ships . The pictures I've included today are of my plans, the Connie skeleton with the poplar blocks sanded down, and my start to adding wood to the bulkheads so I can get them to the proper shape and mirror imaged from left to right. I've also included a picture of another project that has stolen from my ship building time and the lazy shipyard overseer. Thanks for looking in.
  15. Very nice redo! Our predictions were spot on with this looking even better than the last one.
  16. Very nice looking capstan Bob. I'm envious of how clean you get the edges of your wood pieces to look.
  17. Beautiful rigging. You've really got the details nailed down too.
  18. Michael, I think I would like to watch along with the others. This looks to be very interesting as you don't see many true POF kits out there.
  19. Very nice rudder and fiddly bits Augie! Those last two pictures are excellent.
  20. Sjors, the ratlines look great! I'm sure the crows feet will look good too. One question though... what do the crows think about this?
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