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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Bob, nice work with the shim on the rails. It's already pretty close to invisible. The covering board on the decking looks great too. Fantastic work.
  2. It all looks great. I can't wait to see the rigging get started. Great progress!
  3. Tom, I hadn't thought of support issues with the inner planking. Good solution. The cannons you got in the separate packs seem like better quality as far as the white metal goes. I didn't see the typical heavy flash on it. Maybe that's what I'll have to resort to when I get to that stage.
  4. The gratings and planking look great! Did you make your own grating material or is that something that we can get as an after-market item?
  5. That is fantastic metal work Dan, but I'm always very impressed with your wood working and how precisely you get multiple pieces to look identical. With the stanchions, are you just gluing these down? If the sheaves were going to be in use with rigging would you secure them any differently?
  6. The cannons look like they're ready for action Bob. Great work! I share you feeling on repetitive work as well.
  7. The stern of your Confederacy looks amazing!!! Nice windows and decorations Augie. First class work all the way.
  8. Bob, it's looking good. Some filler or a sliver of wood should make the minuscule gap disappear. The brass pins looks like the ones that MS uses. Good choice on it too. They darken nicely in some Blacken-it.
  9. Wow Popeye! I go to watch a ballgame and come back the next day and you've got so much done. The decals and decorations look great in place.
  10. John, please take care and get back to us when you can. We look forward to hearing from you down the road.
  11. Bob, I don't think they're too close. There are spots on your Niagara too where some of those pins will be pretty close to one another as well.
  12. I agree with you John, they are good pictures. I'm comparing them to the other sources and this bow looks nothing like any of the others with the gold, the figurehead itself and the white stripe going all the way forward. I did finally receive Commander Martin's book. I have some reading to do in between sanding the poplar blocks. Bob, thanks a ton for stopping by. I think I'm the one who's going to be doing the majority of learning here.
  13. I'm still waiting on my book from Tyrone Martin. Apparently this is one of the more credible accounts of the history of the ship. I'm anxious to compare what he has written to what I have already researched.
  14. Popeye, thanks for the good word. I've got some real sanding work in front of me; those blocks are Poplar. Al, I'd like to see the figurehead on that. I've got some pictures of it from online, but most aren't good enough for a real good interpretation.
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