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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Thanks the comments Scott. Hopefully I'll be getting in some bench time tonight to get this ship finished.
  2. That's amazing Bob. The penny really gives some perspective on the size of that little marvel.
  3. Tom, that's looking good. Removing so much is a real bravery check. Judging from your work so far, I'm sure this will turn out well.
  4. That's very nice framing Mike. Is she going to be fully planked and rigged?
  5. The treenails look outstanding. You must have the patience of a glacier to go through all of those without losing your mind.
  6. Tom, I'll watching closely. I'm planning on doing some similar things and am trying to wrap my head around some ideas for a gundeck as well. All in all, great work and this is fun to watch.
  7. Adam and Bob, thanks for looking in. Bob, I scratch built the three of the boats. I tried the bread and butter for one of the boats and wasn't satisfied with the result.
  8. Augie, Popeye, Sjors, Bob and Mobbsie, thanks as always for looking in. I have the port quarter-boat hung and griped. That only leaves the yawl on the stern to be hung and then I will have to add some rope coils to go along with the rigging. I may also have a tiny bit of touch-up paint to do.
  9. Nice looking stern Augie. I can't wait to see the quarter galleries. Your work is very precise. Hopefully the weather is starting to make a warmer turn in your area of the country. I'd like to hear some fishing stories soon.
  10. Augie, we always wait until June and usually get some good fishing in and we have our saying "what happens while camping doesn't come home". Frank, glad to see you posting. We're all waiting for updates to your log of course. I finally got some spare time after a very busy week to get some work accomplished on the Niagara. I have hung the starboard quarter-boat and put the gripes in place. Any criticism or question is welcome.
  11. Bob, that looks amazing. I'm assuming you are going to leave some spar deck planking off to show that wonderful detail?
  12. Alright Sjors! You know how we love pictures. Your planking looks very even and clean.
  13. John, I know what you mean... Every year some friends of mine and I go out camping and fishing for four days. This is around when we start getting very excited about getting away. Where we go there is no cell phone coverage and most of the time you don't see any other people. As far as the flags go I will most likely try that method out when I get to my Constitution. I was hoping to have this ship finished by now but had to put more work into the ship's boats than I realized. I don't have pictures yet but should by the end of the weekend.
  14. This is quite an interesting subject. I'm anxious to see more pictures of progress.
  15. Thanks for clarifying on your process Popeye. That sounds like a more authentic process for flags. Do you ever have the problem with the ink running when it hits the fabric?
  16. Popeye, something tells me my printer would fall apart if I tried something like running sail cloth through it. The decals aren't a bad idea, but the paper and foil method seems to be okay for now. I might try out the decal paper for some other plastic subjects I'm working on though. I've got a couple of tanks and planes that are going to need some markings. Sjors, thanks for the spot reservation. I'm going to be working on the ship's boats tonight. I'll get some pictures posted as I get these hung.
  17. Tim, the rubber cement worked perfectly. It took some figuring on what to use because there isn't much that will really stick to the foil.
  18. Nils, thanks for the praise. It means a lot to me to receive compliments from such talented builders.
  19. Bob, the riveting detail you have put into the bulwarks is incredible. It goes without saying that the metal stancions you have fabricated are tiny works of art in themselves. When the day comes that we all get together to show off our work, I will definitely raise a glass to your Cutty Sark.
  20. Hey Bob, thanks for the kind words. I printed the flags on regular good old paper and sandwiched the foil in between the two pieces. You have to really exaggerate the round bends in the flag because they spring back somewhat. I'm sure there is a better way than using regular paper. The idea for the flags came from Tim, aka schooner, and it's a method I think I will use for good.
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