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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. D, I'm very excited to be getting started on such a long journey. I've been salivating over this kit for the last year. The box has just been gathering dust and I don't have the space to work on two tall ships at the same time. You'll need to get your log started so we can compare notes as we progress.
  2. Hello to all. I have completed Niagara and am moving on up in the scope of building difficulty. I have chosen The Constitution for my next subject because I fondly remember building Revell's version of her years ago and I have always been in awe of this ship. I know we have quite a few of her being built at this time so I'm sure you're asking "What's going to be different here?" Like a few of the others, I'd like to show a full gundeck with rigged 24 pounders. I'd also like to incorporate some of the bulkheads and cabin details. Plans to light her up below-deck are also on the table to attempt to show off some of this detail. Part of my plans on the gundeck also include the installing the knees and riders. Now you may be asking "Why? Most of this will be completely covered by the spar deck" I'm doing it because I'll know it's there and I'd like to try my hand at seriously bashing a kit before the possibility of scratch building. I have not yet fully determined the time period I would like to model, but I have been giving some thought to modeling her as she was when she was new with the Hercules figurehead. The biggest headache with that time period are that the details of her configuration are even sketchier than how she was in 1812. My plans are all negotiable until I get to her stern anyway, so here goes..... I photographed the typical box contents and a few resources I'll studying. The last picture is of the main building board materials and a new toy. You may also notice that one of the pics has two false keels. I didn't like the feel of the one that came with the kit so decided that I'd make my own out of 1/4" ply basswood. This build is going to take forever as I plan on making many pieces from scratch and am ordering many aftermarket items like new 24 pounders (if anyone has any ideas where I can get these in turned brass, I'd be indebted to them), new 32 pound carronades (see above parenthesis) and some boxwood deck planking material. As always, thanks so much for looking in and all of the wonderful support this site has to offer.
  3. Mike, thanks for your kind words. I'm going to be posting the beginning of my Connie log in a few minutes.
  4. Larry, thanks for that compliment. It's all the support that has helped to really make this fun.
  5. Tim, I have that book already. My concern here was that Tom pointed out in one of this posts that he had some drawings from a CD that didn't agree with AOTS. I just wanted some information regarding that CD so I could order it and see it for myself.
  6. Wow Bob, the cannons and cable bitts are very impressive. I don't know if you have mentioned this in a previous post, but what size cannons do those represent? I also meant to ask you earlier, I don't recall seeing any discussion of scale for this ship. Is this 1/64?
  7. Augie, thanks a million for the compliment. I will have a seat waiting for you when I start the Connie. AJ, thank you as well for the kind words. Niagara actually took me over 3 years to build. I started her before I became a member on the old website and have been dragging my feet for this long to get her completed. Slog, thank you as well for your compliment. Everybody's words are treasured.
  8. Nigel, Tim and Sjors... thanks so much for your kind comments. As I said earlier, comments like these from such talented modelers have really helped me along and mean a great deal to me. Thanks again for the ton of support.
  9. Andy, as much as I'd love to see your SS Stadacona, I am nowhere close to Toronto. Your pictures will have to do for now. Are you getting on with your Pegasus at all?
  10. Andy, thanks for your compliment. These words coming from so many excellent modelers have really made the build log worth posting.
  11. Tom, as I am formulating plans of my own for a similar build, I need to know, where did you get a CD with Connie plans on it? I would like to order one of my own if it's drawn from better sources. By the way, as long as you don't mind, I will most likely be following some of your methods here (don't worry, mine won't be an identical copy of yours). Your work is very thorough and clean.
  12. Popeye, Bob and Nils, your kind comments really mean a lot to me. Thanks for following me through this build.
  13. Thanks again for the positive comments throughout my build John. It has really meant a lot to me. I will have many seats available for Connie. I'm planning on bashing the heck out of the kit and once I have my plans and materials lined up I'll have a log going.
  14. Here are my finished pictures. I will get these over to the gallery after this post. Thanks again for all of the support along the way.
  15. Sjors, your planking is moving right along. It's all looking good and I'm sure it'll shape up great at the stern. All those cannons are frightening . Like Frank was saying, some might think you were getting ready for some hostile actions.
  16. I usually just wait until my wife or kids needs to run in one of those places and I'll scurry around quickly to pick up what I need. I also must say, I had little appreciation for how tall your Half Moon is going to be when finished. She's quite a ship.
  17. Mobbsie, thanks for the compliment. Thanks to all for the many likes as well. I did enjoy building Niagara very much am glad you were all here for the ride.
  18. Bob, thanks for stopping by. My Niagara was also my precursor for the Constitution. Like you, I completed the Revell Connie years ago and I have a cat who is one life shorter after knocking it off of a six foot high shelf. The Victory will be coming after the Connie and will most likely be the Billings kit since theirs has the closest scale to MS's Connie. I have some big future plans to scratch the 74 gun ship Ohio one of these days too. I have been looking in on your Cutty build log and have to say that your attention to detail is inspiring. I have no doubt that your Niagara will be complete long before I get half way done with Connie.
  19. Sjors, I will get some finished pictures up as soon as I get a decent background fro photographing. Of course there will be many front row seats available for Connie. Popeye, thanks for watching my six from photo-hungry ship builders.
  20. Frank, thanks for your very kind words. I will definitely need the luck with Connie.
  21. Augie, thanks for your kind words. I am rather proud of finishing a well rigged ship. At this time I am not planning on casing her as I just don't have the room in my home for just such a piece of furniture. She sits nicely on a shelf on the wall and for the time being I'll just have to dust her off from time to time. Down the road, I'm sure there will be a case though. As for the Connie... I've got some plans for her that deviates pretty far from the instructions she comes with. I'll save that for her build log which may also be up in several days.
  22. Ben, thanks for the comments and for looking in. All three ship's boats are hung and griped. These last pictures are of the yawl in it's proper spot. At this point, I'm going to call this build completed. Give me a day or two and I'll have the full fledged completion pictures posted to the proper spot and this log. Thanks to all for the support and comments. Next up... The Model Shipways 1/76 Constitution.
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