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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. John, please take care and get back to us when you can. We look forward to hearing from you down the road.
  2. The Basilone looks like it is getting closer to readiness for combat. I like the progress and everything looks really nice!
  3. Bob, I don't think they're too close. There are spots on your Niagara too where some of those pins will be pretty close to one another as well.
  4. I agree with you John, they are good pictures. I'm comparing them to the other sources and this bow looks nothing like any of the others with the gold, the figurehead itself and the white stripe going all the way forward. I did finally receive Commander Martin's book. I have some reading to do in between sanding the poplar blocks. Bob, thanks a ton for stopping by. I think I'm the one who's going to be doing the majority of learning here.
  5. I'm still waiting on my book from Tyrone Martin. Apparently this is one of the more credible accounts of the history of the ship. I'm anxious to compare what he has written to what I have already researched.
  6. Popeye, thanks for the good word. I've got some real sanding work in front of me; those blocks are Poplar. Al, I'd like to see the figurehead on that. I've got some pictures of it from online, but most aren't good enough for a real good interpretation.
  7. Very nice looking work! You've been busy as that's quite a bit of work. Jerry, had you thought about starting you own build log so we can see your progress as well?
  8. Very nice stairs, and the railing is a true masterpiece!!! Unbelievable how small those parts are.
  9. I will be having a cigar later today after work in fact; most likely with a little bourbon as well. And then we'll see about getting to that keel.
  10. Mike, the finished framing looks great. How much of the deck are you going to plank?
  11. Tim, thanks a bunch for looking in and the scale converter. I will absolutely be using that. I'm not completely sold on purchasing different cannons just yet. If I can figure out how to make them I might give it a go.
  12. Rich, that sounds like a good plan. The work you've done on the rails so far looks outstanding.
  13. Rich, Augie and Sjors, thanks for looking in. Sjors, she is pretty big, but don't say that around her; she's very self-conscious. Thanks to all for the likes and checking in one me.
  14. After a long day in the shipyard it was time to sit back and have a glass of bourbon. Sorry for the sacrilege, but I like my bourbon cold so I put it on ice. I managed to get all of my bulkheads in place and glued in permanently. I also got the spacers in place just below the gundeck. This really helped with ironing out a very very slight bend in my keel. The one picture shows a nice straight keel. The bearding line was marked and the keel was sanded in the appropriate area. Next up will be the actual keel, the basswood blocks up front and some more studying to figure out which way to shape the filler blocks for the stern. Thanks to all for looking in.
  15. Thanks for the consideration. I may just take you up on that, however, it'd be several years down the road.
  16. That's an interesting detail Evan. Your attention to detail with it is immaculate.
  17. You could always pick up some styrene strips for the window framing if you're planning on doing the outside edges of the windows too. Otherwise the windows look good.
  18. The yards, gaff and boom look great. Very clean and well put together!
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