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mort stoll

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Everything posted by mort stoll

  1. Hi Kevin, I imagine there are different brands of bees wax but I do not know of any. Sorry, Mort PS Keep up the great work.
  2. Hi Kevin, Yes it is, however with that said I do run my threads through beeswax 4-6 times and if necessary then I use the Elmer's School Glue. Mort
  3. Hi Kevin, Try painting a light coat of "Elmers School Glue". That should remove any fuzzies. Mort
  4. Hi Jason, The rigging looks great. You are correct Petersson is invaluable. I run all of my rigging line thru beeswax 4 or 5 times and that will cure any fuzzies. As for already installed lines gently run Slmers School Glue over them. That should work. Keep up the great work, Mort
  5. Hi Ray, What size anchors and oars did you use and were they from CMB? Thanks, Mort
  6. Hi Jason, I forgot to include that I mount the masts with all of the lines attached 1 at a time and secure them as they did back in the day by means of the shrouds and various stays. I do the same thing with the yards. The clips on the halyards keep them stable during the rigging process. Mort
  7. Hi Jason, I rig all of my masts and bowsprit off of the model. I find it much easier. I support the masts in a vice and mount the yards to them. Each line - the fore topsail lifts for example - of the standing and running rigging are labeled with tape and clipped together with a small copper radio shack clips after they are installed on the yard and hang down. It may sound confusing and like a pile of spaghetti but is very organized and workable. I rig from bow to stern. A fellow New Jersey swears by stern to bow. I rig from inside out and top to bottom. Hope this helps. Any questions do not hesitate. Mort
  8. Hi Ray, The boat looks great. Who did you order the plastic grating from and what size was it? CMB has wooden grating in various sizes. Look forward to more posts, Mort
  9. Hi David, Did you use a jig or a ruler to cut the strake planks. They look great. Mort
  10. Hi David, I bought my kit just about 10 years ago. I just started to cut out the gun ports. My kit does not have canon balls either. I plan to take a gun barrel to a gun shop and buy loose buckshot buck shot that match the gun barrels muzzle diameter as I plan to put them around the gratings. That's what I have done with previous kits. all the best, Mort
  11. I agree. The pictures in the Bluejacket build manual are horrible. Did you completely remove the quarter gallery extensions and completely rebuild it or did you follow the build manuals instructions? Keep up the great work, Mort
  12. Hi David, Drop a note to Chuck Pessaro. He did a Sculpy presentation a few years ago at a joint ship clubs meeting. Mort
  13. Read "The Trafalgar Companion" by Mark Adkin. It covers everything you wanted to know about the battle. It is an amazing book. Mort
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