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  1. It's a model that has at least 15 years. They have put inside a box a partworks collection they made for Altaya / Planeta (DeAgostini group) many years ago.
  2. I don't understand how a 1400+ euros retail price doesn't include budget for lasercut beams and structure. They just forgot about decks curved shapes, placed many oak strips inside a very nice box, and they think this justifies the price.
  3. Disarmodel is or almost bankrupt, I know a supplier of theirs who has several unpaid invoices at the moment. I suppose this is interesting for anyone considering buying a kit from this brand. I doubt that the after-sales service works, and it's a miracle a disarmodel kit is complete and correct...
  4. I'm watching this and my comments come from a modeler perspective. If you think it as a product, I don't doubt it will probably have success.
  5. Check this video: https://cdn.shopify.com/videos/c/o/v/13c5bd39e4ec40d69cc81e76b89887f1.mp4 I don't know if beams are just strips or lasercut, but I see flat decks. The model just doesn't make any sense.
  6. Am I the only one that thinks this is a very expensive toy, nothing more and nothing less? Any resemblance of a correctly scaled and accurate model must be a coincidence.
  7. Thank you for the read, friends.
  8. It looks like there is a good competition between Spanish manufacturers, better and new models, better customer service...
  9. That looks like a good place to hide in!
  10. Love these classic cars - even more when finished as superb as this one!
  11. Hi! Did you finally share this? Any link to another thread? Thank you so much!
  12. Try any steam source. I usually use a facial steamer my wife discarded years ago, some seconds into steam convert the usual measurements of strips in something really easy to be bent.
  13. I think a new poll would be much more useful than these old results!
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