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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. That is a touch that's makes such a difference to the finished model.... do you mind saying if it was very expensive getting the prop made?
  2. wow loads of super info, I am really glad I asked. thanks for the link. Next week I hope to sneak away from doing DIY and household chores when I am home and start creating them. Thanks again everyone. Ian
  3. This is a nice touch to add to any model, looks easy enough to make. I shall make a couple for my build, thanks Keith for the idea
  4. That's great, thanks for the very prompt reply and explanation. Right now to look at some of the builds on here about scratch building them..
  5. I think I have the right name , it is the parallel booms on the upper side of yard arms. Is this a feature all large square riggers have? It is not shown on my Billings Bounty model but a few Bounty builds and a lot of similar models have them? I am about to tackle making the yards and if they are needed then I need to plan out how I will do it. Thanks
  6. What about this multi purpose machine? The Unimat 83000 it seems to drill, lathe, mill and sand-- I am sure it could make the coffee to? Just google Unimat 83000
  7. :( :( :( makes my bowsprit look a mere 'pointy stick' LOL!!!!!! I can't wait to incorporate some of your ideas into my next build... keep the detailed pictures coming,
  8. I am following this with interest as 'one day' it is a ship I would really like to build. I think the physical size of the model does convey some of its wonderment people must have thought when the original ship was seen for the first time.. very impressed with the planking around the bow.
  9. So what we are all really saying is 'there is no definitive answer to this question' and we should leave to our judgment and the ascetics of the model?
  10. Hi , I have only just seem this build log and just wanted to say I really was fascinated by the video clips of the subs in action....well worth posting
  11. I think if you check on the build logs someone used it on their HMS Worrier...looked good
  12. Thank you Mike for taking the time to create this conversation. This is one task looming up on my Bounty build and this thread has been great in getting right in my head before attempting it, I intend to furl all the top sails and mizzen, a slightly gathered sprit sail and possibility have the main sail and fore main sail fully deployed-- apologies for the non nautical terms and the non standard deployment of sails-- just thought it would look good.
  13. As others have said 'the nails really make it' what a transformation a little detail (even if it took weeks to achieve) can make. love it
  14. I know it has to be done but it is a shame to paint them as people loose the idea of how much work has gone into creating this one element of the sub...
  15. I have some ideas taken from other builds on here, watch this space in the coming weeks
  16. Thanks Keith, the end is in sight-- well the next 4 weeks fingers crossed My wife is a teacher and starts the long summer break next week so it will be a good time for that sewing machine lesson so I can rig and fit the sails to the yards-which I still have to make-both the yards and sails One thing I will get around to completely re-doing is her stern. I was originally so pleased with it when I started many months ago but the more I read and see on here the more I realise not only is it unlikely ever to have that decoration it is not even representative of stern decoration of that whole period..I know it would annoy me for years to come.. so the 'Star ship enterprise' type arch needs to go!!!
  17. I finally finished the standing rigging plus the lines to haul the yards on the foremast, now to repeat on the main. The main mast is only dry fitted for now...
  18. way out of my price range but I saw this on e-bay-- it just looks just so in the era of steam-- I would just want one to put on show !
  19. Hi Brian, yes e-bay will be my first port of call I just need to know what I should be looking for, If I see anything that might be suitable I shall post on here for comments..
  20. Thank you all, this is really appreciated, I shall look through the links etc Cheers Ian
  21. I was hoping just a couple of hundred UK pounds as it will only be for turning down yards extra as I have no training on using it for anything else, but a good business case could get me to spend lots more
  22. I have never owned or used a lathe before and before I start my next project I would like to get my first power tool (excluding my fine drill). Can you offer your thoughts on what I should be looking for/ or avoid!, I am hoping to find a second hand one as there is no immediate rush. Thanks Guys
  23. A great build log. I am just dropping you a quite note to say thanks for some great ideas now for how to furl some of my sails on my build...I still yet have to face the sewing machine driving lessons from my Wife!!
  24. It was just great following this build I think mounting her as you did on the angle is a super finishing touch
  25. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah now I am in two minds LOL!!! I just might make a small rack holding a few balls .. depends how easy I can get hold of them.. I shall first rummage in the garage for any old ball bearing races that might make a good doner..
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