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Ian B

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Everything posted by Ian B

  1. What a great picture---making great models is in your genes
  2. Hi, I shall follow you with interest as it looks a very good size for displaying. Some of the models on here really do need some serious room!, there are a few Bounty's being built on here of various kits and scales so plenty of inspiration for you. Good luck with the build Ian
  3. I shall be in the queue to buy these plans -- just like waiting for Christmas to come LOL
  4. Just amazing... very proud for you Ian
  5. Thanks John, the anchor buoy and the stern whilst not accurate are in the spirit and feel of the age. I have added lots of small details thanks to the inspiration of some amazing build logs. My Second build will be a lot more disciplined when it comes to accuracy - still undecided what it will be yet. As for now I am just nagging my wife t get out and show me how to work the sewing machine so I can do the sails ..
  6. Thanks for the comments Gunther as for your Ocre model MIke I am sure it is far closer to the real thing than my flight of fancy I just knew I would always the look of the Billngs bum!
  7. Posting the picture I noticed the lanterns are not level-- better rush down stairs grab the boat and fix that!!!!
  8. So I made a new decretive panel (no idea what the proper name of it is LOL ) and adding some cut out shape in the form of a circle and cornets plus I painted some wire gold and glued it to the panel as branch stems then painted gold leafs on the wood. With your eyes shut in a dark room it passes as a carving ha ha I also added the name with gold letra set , a couple of lanterns and the rudder chains--- a far more pleasing bum
  9. Well I decided to sort out her stern, I did mention I would in passing earlier in the build. here is her stern built exactly as per the Billing Plan... I can sense you all yawning and a rapid on set of sleep!!!! Apart from being very boring it does not appear in anyway representative of a stern of that period.
  10. pricey Endeavour? It should would be, you would have to throw it all away and build the brig from another kit as nothing will fit on it ha ha ha
  11. I had forgotten all about this process. I used to make my own PCB's in the 70/80's and with your take on it I will have a go
  12. This has given me another idea to add to my build... quite an easy addition of detail to any build. thanks Ian
  13. Thanks Keith-- I will have a look at the rigging plan again and work the way you suggest. I had fitted the foremast and rigged it before seeing all the advise about not doing that as it was easier to fit yards and sails first.. Thanks Matti the blue was toned down by giving it the same coat of oak stain I used for the hull.
  14. Unless advised otherwise my next actions are- 1.--- make the sails 2. fit sails to all yards 3. attach foremast yards to already fitted mast 4.attach main mast yards - then attach mast to hull 5. fit mizzen mast yards- attach mizzen mast. The main and mizzen are only dry fitted, I thought it would give myself lots of room to work around each mast as I rig them.
  15. My wife has been keeping me busy on the DIY front but I have now finished making the yards. In the kit they are only shown as plain yards with the appropriate blocks attached. I have with inspiration and pure plagiarism from other builds on here created stun sail booms, the support banding around the middle of the larger yards and feet ropes. For the foot ropes I drilled and glued in 3mm loops for stirrups, wrapped line around the yard to make the appearance of them being tied and painting them black. On reflection I should have not had the line tight but sagging slightly between stirrups.. never mind one to remember for my second build. The stun sail boom supports were made from soldered copper wire and blackened.
  16. I just love the way you have handled the furled sails, I am at that stage on my Bounty build and rest assured I will be using your inspiration and techniques...thanks
  17. Dank u wel Micheal..... and I know that's right as I use it in Holland
  18. Openstaande!!! The lighting effect on the finished model will be amazing
  19. Thanks Kevin, yes she is. I just need to create some time to complete the rigging. I am looking forward to starting the yards then--something different
  20. I have posted this on another thread talking about Buoys which inspired me to make some for my ship. but thought it worth also adding to my build. I am still working on the main and mizzen masts which should be ready for installing next week some time-fingers crossed Using a couple of old glass beads a bit of string and some wire it makes a reasonable (I think so) facsimile of a 17c anchor buoy.
  21. here is my attempt which I have now added to my Bounty.. I found a couple of odd shaped glass beads from a broken necklace, a bit of string and a couple of wire loops-- and OK so not strictly accurate but looks good 'in my opinion '
  22. amazing -well deserved recognition for what looks a simple straightforward display but massively under plays the skill, craftsmanship and patients required to achieve this superb standard.. well done
  23. wow that is good.. I have booked mark them and will do something similar when I get onto my next project as it could do with several small parts made in brass as I know the kit comes with the bits in plastic and need painting brass coloured.
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