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Posts posted by mtdoramike

  1. I was able to spend a few hours working on the Nordkap today and have the super structure of the deck housing installed as well as a few other odds and ends. The entire super structure is removeable to allow access to the motor bay in the hull as well as the rudder. You will have to esxcuse the messy work area, that is my process.DSC01526.thumb.JPG.b4c9e3e28ceae0010ef8e81edd749f38.JPG



  2. I have built several previous to burning down Mamoli models from the Constitution, L'Orenoque and others and heard the same complaints as you have back in the day. But I didn't find any foundation to those complaints. Yes, the english translation at certain points were lacking, BUT, with this said, these particular two models are either Advanced level or intermediate level builds and before tackling such ambitious kits, you should have experience under your belt of lesser ambitious kit. If you do, then these little annoyances will not hender you in the least. These are quality kits so don't worry, the L'O building into a real beautiful model. Then side paddle wheels were fantastic. 

  3. This is a Billings Boats kit of the Calypso, I received this kit from a good friend and fellow modeller a few months ago. This is not what I usually call an orphaned kit. It took me two years to finally talk him out of it. I had it stashed away in a closet for a few months waiting it's turn on the building bench. I'm finishing up the Dumas 1955 Chris Craft Cobra and then on to another Billings Boats kit of the Nordkap, which was an orphaned kit whose previous owner had passed away before completing it. I will most likely spend time working on both kits periodically.


    Now on to the good stuff and the Calypso ahhhh the Siren of the Sea's, she has been beckoning to me for the last two years and her time is growing near. Upon opening the box, I noticed several white printed styrene sheets, which will need to be cut out and finished, wood sheets, and a numerous fitting package, which Billings is known for, they are also known for not including the fitting packages in the kits and making the builder have to purchase them separately. But not this kit, it was included. One thing I did notice is the preformed plastic hull, which I find to be quite thin and light for this size of a model. So, it will require some re-enforcement. I also noticed the 4 sheets of plans were printed on two sheets back and front, which I also don't care for, so I will have to find a Kinko's some where to get additional prints made. Yes, I know Kinko's is defunk so on to an Office Depot. For some this may not both, but for me it is poses a bit of a problem since I like to mount the plans on the wall. This will cause me to have to remove them constantly to check as I go along. I like to check as much as 3-4 steps ahead just to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm not good at following instructions, I find them more of a suggestion, I'm more of a plans builder.


    I would not recommend this model kit for a beginner, I would highly recommend they build a few boats before tackling this beast.   








  4. The humidity laid down a bit here in central Florida allowing me to finish sealing the deck with three coats of resin. A fellow asked how did I sand the deck around the gold trimming, I told him "very carefully". I used a dremel tool with a sanding sleeve to cut down the white caulking strips between the planking because it was a milimeter higher than the planking. I then used 80, 120 and then 220 sand paper to finish sanding the deck. I used 400 grit wet sanding paper to sand inbetween the three coats of resin.


  5. False decking laid, I also had to do a bit of fixin. Unfortunately when you modify a boat or basically anything for that matter, there are unforseen issue that will develope, one of which reared it'd ugly head a few days ago. When I installed the deck trimming mahogany wood, which was cut for a 27" model, not a 30". So it left an indentation on the sides of the trim pieces near where the windshield will go. So I had to scab in some scrap mahogany to fill in the dent. No big deal.  




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