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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Hello again! It feels like a while since I last updated. I had a while where I couldn't fit much if any build time in anywhere. Now, though, I have finished the bowsprit rigging and have started work on the fore mast. The rigging was done with the fittings unpainted and I painted them afterwards. That way the paint didn't peel or rub off while I got the lines on. It is not perfect, buy I think by the last line I kind of had the hang of it (pun intended ;) ). After painting, I hand tapered the lower fore mast. I used my squishy sanding block from say back when I was sanding my hull. I filed the notch on the top for the last cap and glued it in. I then added the 'iron' bands on which are made of striping tape. I also glued in the eyebolts. The mast is stained, but the painted parts will be painted after all the structural work is complete. Anyway, here are the pictures!



    Until next time!

  2. We l come back Patrick! She is looking nice and smooth! It is strange, I have been reading about people not having time to build around this time of year. Could it be a pattern? I seem to have had the same building break over the last few weeks. I'm looking forward to your inevitably fantastic interior detail! Have fun :)!

  3. I am not almost finished with the boat, but am almost finished with the bowsprit. Next up are two cleats on the onboard side and bowsprit rigging. I hope these images work. Progress has been slow with everything going on lately. I hope to get back to pace late this month. We will see. Anyway, let's hope these images fit!



    Until next time! Hopefully sooner than this time was.

  4. I finished the fore deck. I was able to slow myself down, but I still have it finished. Next up is the bowsprit and bowsprit rigging. Most of the pieces on the fore deck just needed some painting and wire bending. Here are the images.












    I don't know what is wrong with the upside down photos. Sorry! Until next time!

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