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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Thanks for the comments guys! I've learned that string is very useful when measuring curves! You can hold it onto the deck and cut it to fit. You can then remove and measure it, and repeat the process. Also, you don't have to do every plank on deck, you can start at the centerline and progress outwards. Once you are done, throw away your excess string, and multiply your results by two. Though, this would only work with a symmetrical deck, otherwise, you are stuck doing all the planks. That's the best way for measuring curved planks I know, but if there is a better or faster way, I would like to use it next time. Also, I might be able to finish remaking the paper hull profiles. Next will be transferring them onto wood. Even after that, I will test out my new saw blades Kurt gave me, and start cutting them out. Until next time!
  2. It looks like there are water droplets on your hull ! Being the inexperienced builder, I don't have the answer to your porthole question, but I think they would look better if, when you took a flashlight to it, you could tell it was hollow. But, that's just my opinion.
  3. I took a break from cutting paper to find out how much wood I need for deck planking. I knew I had 480 inches of Castello Boxwood strips, but want d to know if I had enough to plank the deck. I took the general measurements of half the deck planking, giving a bit more length so that I wouldn't come short if I used the exact number. I came up with a total of 247 inches, about half of what I have. I could probably plank the deck twice with what I have, though I hope I don't have to. I think I will use the extra wood to make the roofs of deck houses and other. That way the wood matches. I will have to see if I like the deck and roofs matching. Tomorrow I have school, and I doubt I will be able to do much, but maybe I can make another couple paper hull profiles. I got the planking design from SalD's Phantom build log. Until next time!
  4. Looks good! I follow a few Syren builds, and referencing them would be a very good idea! SalD has a nice build, as well as Jesselee. Good luck!
  5. You don't use nails permanently for the first planking because when you treenail the planks, you run into the old nails. I'm not sure of any other reasons.
  6. I see you have put some planks on her since I saw her on Saturday! I look forward to seeing her in person again at a meeting! As for me, I'm cutting paper ! Good luck!
  7. Thanks Dan! Yes, Model Expo does leave room for experimenting! You just have to be careful with stuff not included in the kit. I am going to have to measure how much length of wood I need for planking and how much I have! Let's hope I have more than enough! I hope to see you soon!
  8. Very nice shrouds Sal! The pinned deadeyes look almost as if they are rigged !
  9. Thanks! If I decide to weather, I will definitely ask you for advice!
  10. Good point. I should probably make my decision before I get very far. I am only in the very beginning stages of the build.
  11. Welcome back! I like the weathering you did! I think I'm going to not weather mine, but I can always change my mind !
  12. Very nice! The angle looks great! Also, not that it is a problem, you can make your update all one post. What's next?
  13. Thanks guys for all the comments! As far as making saw dust, I'm not doing very much of that, it's more like paper fiber ! I got some really awesome stuff from the NRMSS club meeting, as well as some new ideas. Yes, I did use Magne-Tiles as weights ! At the bottom is a set of plans for the Bluenose, the Model Shipways plans, in the upper right is a book on exploration, and in the upper left is a tool set. I didn't have to pay a cent! I am currently enjoying the new tool set while re-doing the paper hull templates. I didn't really like how the first turned out, and I have a couple pictures comparing my new and old templates. The less precise ones are the old ones. The old ones were also numbered with pen. So far, although they take a while to make, I like my new ones. I am going to play my cello, and then I might do a few more. Until next time!
  14. I've never heard of a bow cross section! I will come aboard, if I may!
  15. My father loves jet ski's. I would bet he would think yours are awesome !
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