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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Hello all! I got a good amount of time in my papas shop on Saturday, and I was able to do a couple things. Firstly, I finished cutting out the paper hull templates. I then made a wooden side former and made sure it fitted along the second station line on the building board. I also started another one. I may have to adjust the height, but not at this time. I got an idea from David (dgbot). He suggested that I make something that will make sure the hull always ends up in the same place when I place it on he building board. I needed to make a sternpost simulator that is removable because I might want to use the building board after I have the keel on. I made a cutout of the sternpost. I think I am getting better at cutting paper with an Exacto knife ! I then nailed it, with miniature nails, to a sheet of wood. After that, I cut it out with my papa's coping saw. I will need to buy my own soon. Sadly, the little nub sticking off, that would help support the rudder, came off. It isn't essential, but I will have to be careful when making the real thing. The smaller photo in the bottom right corner is the unedited photo. I will finish touching it up with sanding, when I am home, and I will start work on the stern holder. I will call it the stern holder from now on, unless there is a better name. Until next time!
  2. I hope you get better soon! My cat usually wants to be around someone, be they sick or not! You have a nice cat. I'm sure she just admires your wonderful work!
  3. I'm not sure about your question, but I'm glad you were able to find some balsa!
  4. It seems you have made good sense of the piece numbers! I don't know much about this kit, and I don't have much experience, being that I am in the beginning stages of my first build, but I have gained a slight understanding of a ships hull. About your saw, I would contact the Dremel company and ask them about it. Was there any kind of gaurentee for the tool? Lastly, don't give up! There is wa wise user on MSW who goes by Popeye the sailor, and he says "Builds are started with the best of ideas and intentions. When left for periods of time, some of the luster can become dulled or lost. It makes getting back in the groove that much harder. Build your ships gentlemen, with all that you can muster. When they are finished, you'll be all the more proud of what you've done, all because you stuck with it." Basically, I am saying it will be all the better once you finish this build, because you stuck with it from the start! I wish you the best of luck !
  5. It looks very good! You will get to the top!
  6. I hope this works. You can create the frames and test fit them in this order. It looks like there is an extra frame. I'm thinking that it is possible the false keel splits and these two frames touch at that point. Anyway, here you go! Good luck! If you have any questions, just ask!
  7. Does the plans have drawings for the templates? It would help. I am going to number the frames.
  8. I decided I wanted to take a short break from cutting paper, and tried to make a side frame. I'm not allowed to use the scroll saw, so I used a coping saw and this nice small saw Kurt gave me. I'm sure it would have turned out great, had I used the scroll saw or positioned it so the grain ran in a different direction. This wood is a soft wood, and it split along the grain. Oops ! I will have to re-draw the frames with the grain in better position, but first, it's back to cutting paper. Once I'm done cutting the paper and drawing the frames, I will try to make the frames again. I hope I have better luck! I wonder if I should keep or re-do frame number 7. Hmmm… Until next time!
  9. Very nice Sal! You make me want to work faster so I can get to rigging ! For some reason the pictures, when I clicked on them, were sideways. Hmmmm….
  10. This should explain everything. http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/Lining%20Off%20your%20hull%20for%20planking.pdf.
  11. It looks good, but I think you are supposed to put the first plank on at half the width of the plank below the deck.
  12. They look great Sjors! Just make sure you don't lose any fingers to the snakes !
  13. I love your jet ski's! They will look even better once painted!
  14. That's too bad . Raymond IA is only 22 minutes away from my grandma's house. It would be cool if I could visit sometime!
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