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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. The spots are spots where the gelcoat "fish eyed" I dont know how to solve that but they form no problem. The glassfibre has a good thicknes everywhere. The ID-number I did on purpose because I made these moulds for me, not for someone else who might be interested. I want to make at least 3 models with the same registration number so for me it reduces the work. Removing the reg. number will take some good abbrasive paper en some 30 miniutes of your live. Not a big problem I think? At the moment I am laminating a second hull so I hope that one will be better.
  2. In the molds I created earlier I laminated a new shiphull. 300 grams of polyester and 450-grams glasfiber. It went oke but unfortunately there is a little damage. Luckily I was able to fix this and now I have a nice light weight hull. Now there are to more hulls to laminate so I can go on building
  3. Thank you all for the motivations Today I finished the Self Inflatable Liferafts. I remeber my father (who was a fisherman) called them dinkys. It has two plastic shells which are bond together and in between is the liferaft. The liferaft is stored in a steel cage which can be tilted over to release the raft in the sea. In the water the raft inflates and a rope keeps the raft close to the ship. Kind Regards, Kees
  4. Yes this is massproduction and it only takes five minutes to do . I hear a lot about 'printing' in the world of modelbuilders so I wanted to try it myself. But now I wonder what's the 3D they are all talking about. No 3D for me.
  5. Printed some new decals with better resolution. They are much more sharper now
  6. Thank you Jan. I am very glad all went well. Now I want to make at least 3 three hulls out of it and then maybe more later.
  7. Today I did the last things to the polyester mold. I cut all the edges sanded and everything. Then it was time to find out if both halves of the mold wanted to separate. First I very carefully put a chisel between the halves and into the gap I tapped wooden wedges. It took some time and effort but suddenly The first halve separated from the wooden hull and after some tapping the other half released. I am very happy because it was quite a lot of work and it was very exciting if everything would work the way I wanted.
  8. I used a programm Paint.net to scale down the pictures. And I also use Testors white decalpaper. I dont know much about it and just tried it and it worked okay. I am sure you can do it too. I am not much of a genius. I have just a lot of fun building like you all do with your wooden ships. I think it's right to say I have some talent (Thank God) but to say you can't follow me that's a bit exaggerated. There is so many talent here and I enjoy all the buildinglogs. Building with wood is for me a very big mistery Kind regards, Kees
  9. Nice build to watch. I am curious what the end result will be. I can see you have fun building this ship. Regards, Kees
  10. I finished the searchlights. Lot of parts and very small to make. I also used the lathe to make some signal lights (the glasses) There are 13 glasses per chimney. I made a toolbit to make the pattern in the clear plastic. Next update i hope to show the finished chimneys
  11. Wow I like this ship very mutch. The steel plating is very nice and makes it a very extraordinary ship.
  12. I went building on the chimney's. They needed lots of detaills after I had cast them. They are finished for 75% now so I have some work to do yet. See you with the next up-date
  13. Here I made a start with the winchhouse. I couldn't build this without the original drawings I got. The polyester hull is also a bit closer to completion but I will post the photo's when I have some more results. To be continued
  14. Yes I laminate with two windows fully open. And to keep the temperature high (15 degrees celcius) I've placed twee electric heaters next to the mould. Then after laminating I close the door (which is air sealed with rubber strips.) But the smell is there anyway. Its even in my workclothes so I have to leave them in the hobbyroom. Better is to work outside but the temperature is much to low When I worked with epoxy I never had any problems beacause it has so little smell but I found out epoxy is way more harmfull for humans than polyester.
  15. Thank you all for the motivations guys. I like your work very much too. This is a great forum! Now on with the building. Next week I will focus me on the details because I missed that last week. (I am currently also building the moulds for the GRP-hull. But **** that polyester smells bad And glassfibers irritates so mutch! )
  16. The chimney has a simple shape at first glance but I got some drawings of it and then you find out its a rather complex shape. There are some curved, round shape which run into each other. And there are some details which form a nice challenge to me. offcourse I will add the details later
  17. Hello Jan, The bins are flat on the deck in normal position but the skipper can lift them up a bit with a winch so the fish goes to the central bin easier. There are two hinges placed on the deck. Kind regards, Kees The bins can also be folded.
  18. Big challenge to build something like this. I find it very hard to collect drawings for ships from the 1950's but you gu hundreds of years back in time. I'll follow this build!
  19. I am impressed by your very nice work. Very big scale also. Such scale comes with many challenges. I'll follow this build!
  20. Thank you gentlemen. It is very motivating when people like you give me compiments. About the building. I took a risk because I never did any casting before but I have seen lots of examples on the internet before. So then I knew it could be done. After years of building I achieved a healthy dose of confidence when it comes te modelshipbuilding. I have noticed that I am less overconfident and that I can better assess how much work and time a build will cost. Now I just take time to overthink a build en decide how I am going to build. When I have a plan, I start building and it seems to go all by itself. I am sure there are more people here who recognize what I try to tell. I see the confidence in your builds too. Now the only thing that can go wrong is the hull and thats the most important piece of the build so I really hope it will be a succes. This week I planned to start laminating. Kind regards, Kees
  21. The mould cured well. It's the mould for the collectingbins where the fishermen empty the net in. There are two bins and the skipper can empty them in a central bin from where there is a conveyor-belt to move the fish to the workdeck.
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