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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. The plan is I am going to make a two-part fibre glass mould wich I will use to make fibreglass hulls in it. Thats the plan. I have never done it before so I don't know if I can do it. Next updates will show the procces I hope. Regards, Kees
  2. I started working on the beamtrawler again. In the summer it's just to hot at the attic so I can't build there. I have done some home improvement instead and build some showcases for a friend. I sanded the hull and painted her with epoxy and the sanded her again. She has a babyskin now, soft and smooth. I also made a start with the halfround and the spraydeck.
  3. Hello Nils, I have not been on the forum for a while and now I discover You have started a beautifull build of a beautifull ship. I am looking forward to see more updates. Regards, Kees
  4. Splitting the mould lengthwise must do the trick. I have seen this by other modelbuilders and I will only repeat their jobs.
  5. It will be a two part mould because of the shape of the hull. Regards, Kees
  6. Hello Paul, Yes it is my plan to make a fiberglass mould around it and when that is finished I hope to make fiberglass hulls. I want to make two models of this ship. One for the client and one for myself. Regards, Kees
  7. Hello everybody, At this moment I have done a lot of work for this model allready. Lots of work will not be vissible when she is ready but is inevitable to get a realistic model. But how good is the feeling when you have (after all the work) a fysical hull in your hands wich look svery good. On the pictures you see the wooden model of the hull. They call this the plug and I will use this in the future to make a polyester mould arround it so I can make multiple hulls out of it. I do this because I want to make two of the same models and maybe I can sell some hull later to other modelbuilders. The pictures The templates are ready to trace them on the wood The wood (triplex 3,5mm) All templates traces on the triplex The gluing of the longitudinal cross-sections. I pay attention that they are on the correct line and place according the drawings. And here all the sections together and the top-part glued in places And then with the help of several powertools and a lot of sanding by hand sanding the shape of the hull. I have to do this very carefull so I wont sand to much. Most of the finishing I do by hand because you have more feeling and it gives a better result. (Okay I admit. The sander was not even turned on. My wife made an ACTION-picture. But you can see I lost weigt tough ) And then after a lot of sanding and filling (lots of times) you see the result. Its nice and smooth and ready for further finishing. Thank you for watching, like-ing and reply-ing. The build is on and more updates will follow soon! Kind regards, Kees
  8. I made a small picture-video of this build. https://youtu.be/VgW5V4G-m2I
  9. I made a short picture-video of the build. Hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/xlG-iPLYWqk
  10. Here are the final pictures of the Antje, KW49. It is a ship from the village Katwijk and I made the pictures also in Katwijk.
  11. Wow very interesting piece of reading you gave us here. I can not help to thing of all those rowers on the galley's becaue I am told they were all slaves. I think it was very hard working on board oft those ships and with high risks if I read of that Greek fire and stuff. I hope you finish your work on the house fast because I am really looking forward to this build. Regards, Kees
  12. I have a lot of respect for what you build. Very nice to follow this build.
  13. Lots of sawing with those ribs and other pieces. I will follow this build for sure.
  14. She is a real beaty Piet. Your hard labour pays off very well and I liked to follow your build the past few months.
  15. Wow that looks great. Even in this small scale the ship has enough firepower.
  16. She will be build with portal but for the picture I wanted to show her in original design. Kind regards, Kees
  17. Some last progress on the model before completion. I made some decklights out of plastic. Painted and weathered them to make them look like brass. Also made a sail on the reardeck and I finished the deck with some boxes and other things. Last thing to do is to add the (later added) trawlportal and some rigging. decklights Decklights fitted. Also the nameplate is added Reardeck This is how she is now. Its the set-up of the ship like she was build in 1959. Later in 1969 a frontportal was added (as seen earlier in the thread)
  18. Looking as she is ready to go fishing. I am curious about what your new project will be. Maybe a nice Dutch sidetrawler Regards, Kees
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