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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. How perspective can do strange things. The ladder looks much bigger than it is. By the way... this explains why my belly looks that big. It's all a matter of perspective
  2. Hello fellow shipbuilders Last days I worked on two or three different things. The frontmast, a hole for the postside trawl gallow and I have lenghtened the spraydeck. First I marked the position of the opening. This opening was added to the ship ten years after she was build. It was necessary because of the extra trawl gallow (which was placed to guid the portside fishingline to the fishingbeam). Then I cut it out and sanded/filed everything smooth. Some halfround to make it all look good and finished. nice and clean Marked Super handy this disk cutter cut, sand, file... and relax some halfround to have a good finish Yes! It fits. Then I did some work on the fronmast. I gave hem his final position and I adjusted him to the spraydeck. The frontmast in his position And then the extension of the spraydeck. This also was done ten years after build. It was made to protect the fishermen against the waves. Some years later the extension was removed again. After some adjustments I gott it right. It doesn't makes the ship more beautiful but I think it looks very sturdy this way. With all the additions you can really see that the ship is a true workingship. And now a nice pic of the ship with both masts in place. Looks good hey?
  3. Sorry it is allready given away The price 11,95 is for 2 square meters of plastic I believe.
  4. Wow it looks very good. I am not formiliar with al these rope-things so I am not an expert but is look pretty convincing to me. Regards, Kees
  5. I like the basboard very much Piet. I am also looking for a baseboard and I want to make it out of solid oak, but my baseboard will be much smaller. Regards, Kees
  6. A little bit of work done on the bulwarks. The model looks much better now all the raw parts have their finishing touch. Now some more work in detaills on the inside of the bulwarks and the some adjustments to the front of the ship and her structure. Pics will follow soon. Kind Regards, Kees
  7. Hello fellow shipbuilders! I have done some work on the ship. Nice to work on those detaills but it takes a lot of hours to make and also to find out how everything was build in 1959. I made use of different photo's of different ships to make everything. Now on with the hull and other things.
  8. Sorry for the small photo's I coppied them from my blog but its not a succes. Next time bigger photo's
  9. Hello fellow shipbuilders. First I like to tell you I started a blog. Not to replace my activity on this marvelous forum but just to bundle all my building-photo's etc on one place. the blog can be found on http://www.modelfishingships.blogspot.com Please bookmark and share! Now on with the build. I needed new primer and so I went to my local diy-shop where they sell my favourite brand but when I got there... not my primer on the shelf! Bummer... but there was another brand wich promissed to be a very good primer for plastics. When I tested it on a piece of plastic it was ok but when I primed my model this was what came out of it. I was so mad!!!! The wheelhouse was a total mess and ready for the garbagecan. All those hours of work.... After crying a bit I managed to remove the ****** paint and now she is nice and shiny in a new coat of primer again. Tomorrow I am going to destroy the faulty can of primer. Dont know how yet but I will find a way.
  10. I dont know what it is but when I see this I just want to touch it, want to know how it feels. Looks very good!
  11. So beautifull... Are you working for a museum?
  12. Wow... the work you do measuring the hull is amazing. By the time the measuring would be ready I would be mad in the head! Respect for you efforts and I am very interested in what's next to come! Regards, Kees
  13. So much beautifull things from Poland. Your modellingskills are breath-taking. I can build a lot with plastic but when it comes to wood I can only stay in your shadows. I follow your build!
  14. Have no comments, just amazed by what I see here... again
  15. I totaly agree with Mike. Very shiny hull also.
  16. Yes and no. I make the most of the parts out of styren plate 1.0, 0.5 and 0.25 mm. And i use o lot of styrene profiles from different brands. The most commonly known brand is Evergreen and you have Plastruct but it's not very good availlable here in Holland. Building a model of a modern ship is IMHO pretty mutch like building a full scale ship. In full scale they make use of plate-material and a lot of different profiles like tubes, H-beams, angled steel etc etc. In modelbuilding you do the same only with smaller materials and to meet the right scale you have to make a lot of profiles yourself out of plate-material. Regards, Kees
  17. Today(saturday) I went for a trip to Amsterdam. Wow I've seen so much, maybe a little to much I felt like being in another part of the world. So much people, so much cultures and nationalitys. But yesterday I had a full shift of building at the attic and I finished the (10 years later added) port side trawl gallow. It looks different than the starboard gallows. And I made a sort of pole with a roll on it. Don't know what its for and how it's called. And the anchor winch wich wasn't really a winch. It has no motor or gearing on it. Just a roll on wich they attached the fishing line. Then the anchor went overboard and it rolled the fishingline on the roll. When they had to lift the anchor they just hauled the fishingline in and the anchor.... well.. I hope you understand my Louis van Gaal english (are there any english people here? They will understand the joke) The winch consists of more than 60 parts and it was very good therapy for me to build it. Regards, Kees
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