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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. And I also made some nozzels. I keep the money in the pocket and it gives a good feeling building it myself
  2. For the trawler I needed a propellor and usually I buy these at the hobbystore but this time I couldnt find what I was looking for and the props I found were expensive (around 15-20 euro's). I need three so it would be a very big gap in my budget. I looked on the internet for pictures of propellors but there were mostly beautiful new and shiny and thats not the way I wanted them.
  3. Yes it is true. Every photo gives a different colour but I have visited the ship a few time and I am sure the colour is more purpl/red then red/brown. But I will sort this out. Just spraypaint a hull in the 'right' colour and then I will look at it a few days if I am satisfied with it. Kind regards, Kees
  4. The only thing I know is that the owner uses Jotun 473 paint (thats what he says) The had no RAL number for me. After lots of surching on the internet I found out dat 473 is a number of the Brittish Standard (BS473) This is the colour the say is the right one This colour looks a little brown(ish) and I think it's more the colour of the antifouling This is the colour I want. I think there is some purple in it. But on every photo the colour looks different so I am trying some different combinations I am also building the nozzles and props but that will follow soon
  5. The colour is RAL3003 and was the closest to the final colour. The final colour is a bit of a problem because nor the produces nor the owners of the ship give me any help. I am tired of asking so I will try to mix the colour myself.
  6. Thanks for the encouragments folks. The coin is indeed a guilder(gulden), app. one inch in size from the days money had some value here in this country. Now we have the euro The only thing I know sure of this euro is that we export hundreds of millions (or billions) every year to Greece and in the future Eastern Europe. I have done a lot of work to the model so I will update soon to show the results. Kind regards, Kees
  7. Hello Nils, I just watched all the 44 pages because I had forgotten your build een little. It's very impressive what you make, a real work of art. For the lifeboat I would go for your own prototype. Self-made is always better IMHO The canvas can be more realistic. I used thin led in the pas te make a canvas cover. The led wich is arround an expensive bottle of wine. You can also use aluminumefoil or even Milliput to shape a natural cover. Kind regards. Kees
  8. The first hulls sticked to the mould a little bit and ther was some damage. I repaired the damage but I got a hint to use other gelcoat. The gelcoat is the first layer applied to the mold. The outher layer of the hull when de-moulded. Now I used transparant gelcoat with pigmentpaste for colour. Everythin went oke now and I could demould the hull without any problems. Tot de volgende update
  9. Very nice ship. I like the shape of the upper structure.
  10. Watch out not to ring this bell cause you have to give a round then. I like some Stout please
  11. Captain Bob is truly a master of arts. Very nice ships and smooth finish
  12. Your photography as well as your woodcarving and other work are outstandig. I really enjoy watching your work. Thank you for your efforts.
  13. I love those longboats (as well as your other work) The look very smooth.
  14. Nice stairs. I wonder what will be upstairs. Maybe a bar? In my younger years I went to a bar called Stairs on saturdays. Lots of hard urned money spend there.
  15. Thank you all for the motivation. Today I finished the mold for the spraydeck. I applyed lots of layers of moldwax and the part is now shining like carpaint. Tomorrow I will get the new gellcoat I ordered. I got a hint from a experienced moldbuilder to use other gellcaot to prevent the mold sticking to the laminated part. So next time hopefully a product without damage.
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