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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. I had planned not to update anymore before I finished the Antje in total but I could not resist to post some progress pictures. Before you look at the pictures please keep in mind that the work is not finished yet. Lots of finising paintwork has to be done and offcourse a matt finish to give a nice uniform shine on the work. First 3 pictures to show the work on the frontdeck and the last pictures one with a Dutch Florin again to show the dimensions. (A florin is less than an inch) Portside from the bow Portside from the rear Starboardside (Iam not satisfied with the wooden deck yet) And the last one with a Florin
  2. Nice to see another plastic hero here on the forum. I am building in plastic too. Regards, Kees
  3. I am amazed by your shipbuilding abilitys now allready. Looks very professional and well tought. Regards, Kees
  4. Looking very good now with all these fittings in place. Are you going to weather her in the future? Regards, Kees
  5. Good to hear you are satisfied with the products too
  6. Progress in the paintshop. It's a real pain in the **s to find out wich collours where to use because I have only black/white pictures but with the help of some old sailors it will be a succes. Al collours will be softened later with washes and dry brush.
  7. Today I finished the wooden deck. It was not easy and I made some mistakes but I am glad with my choice to make a real wooden deck. Later there will be stuff on the deck so it looks even better.
  8. When the ship was delivered the superstructure was white indeed but later she was painted green in the collours of the shipping company 'Kennemerland' Here on this colourpicture (the only one I have found) you can see the wheelhouse was green. The frontdeck was green also as I was told but the railings were white. Kind regards, Kees de Mool
  9. Looks interesting to me allready. I like it how everything comes together now.
  10. The Motip is the plastic primer I use and the other spraycans I use for several jobs. For the ship I onlu use my Airbrush and Revel Aqua colours. Kind regards, Kees
  11. It was a problem to find any drawings but I found a very helpfull guy who gave me a complete set of original drawings printed in scale 1:75. I am so thankfull!!
  12. NOTE: In this log I used Photo Bucket to add pictures but after problems with PB all my links to my pictures were blocked. I've replaced most of the dead links with new pictures but that was not always possible. (so there are still some deadlinks and sometimes the sequence is not correct) movie.avi In this buildinglog I will present you the build of the Dutch beamtrawler KW88, Pelikaan. 42,35 x 8,50 x 5,16 mtr Build in 1999 as the UK 153, Lun Senior, sold in 2007 and named KW88, Pelikaan. Motor: 2000HP Deutz The ship has sumwings and uses an electric pulse system The sumwing are like wings and do not touch the bottom. With electric pulse the fish jumps of the bottom and ends in the net. I started collecting information, photo's and drawings a few months ago and now I am at the point that I can actually start with the build. I have a complete set of original drawings and almost 500 photo's It will take some time before I start building this ship because I want to finish the KW49 first. First some photo's of the ship. As the UK 153 New registrationnumber
  13. Some photo's of the paintshop. Painting is progressing very well but its a lot of work. Also some forgotten jobs to do. It was very hard to find out wich colours to use and where. I have only one hazy colourphoto made from a distance. But I think I have things clear now. Kind Regards, Kees
  14. Yes I know the salt-methode. Look at my log of the FR927 to see what I did with it. But its not comparable with 'my' technique. They are both very different.
  15. I bought a nice looking prop but its much to shiny. I like to paint the ship like its in use so it needs a little weathering. And so does the propellor. In the past I tried to do this with paint but that didnt work out well. I remembered a proces from scienceclasses called electrolyse with an katode and an anode. How that works you can find on the internet but the pictures below show how I (mis) use it. Here's what whe start with. A nice and shiny propellor. First an conductive fluid wich means you dump some salt in warm water and give it a goed stir. Then the power supply. I use one with 9V DC and little amps Then separate the minus and the plus and connect them with the prop and a piece of metal with zinc on it. Try in wich order. If you have it right the prop will produce lots of small bubbles later. Then place them in the water. Make sure the two pieces of metal do not touch eachother. I use some clips to clamp them to the pot. When you do it wrong the zinc piece will produce bubbles And when you do it right the prop will produce lots of bubbles Then leave it for some 15 minutes but try to inspect the prop during the process. It will go fast and if you are satisfied with the result stop on time. Its good to rub the prop with a rag so you can see the endresult. Looks nice allready And the final result. Iam very satisfied with it. I admit its a little bit ghettostyle but it works to me.
  16. In Holland its very hard to find or its very expensive. Only the wooden sandsticks are available but i I am not fond of them. Regards, Kees
  17. Some other tool I cant do without. A few years ago I was at a Hobby fair and saw a tool wich was new to me. My wife imidiately recognized it as a nailfile. I never saw a nailfile like that before, I only knew the metal ones. This one was made of firm foam and plastic and it felt very stif. Enought words for now. I turned out to be my favourite tool for filing grinding and sanding. Its suitable for wood and plastic and they are very durable. In the local hobby shop they cost me 2 euro a piece but I found them on Aliexpress for round 2 euro for ten pieces. Not very expensive so just order some and try it out. Some pictures to show what I am talking about.
  18. Small update this time from the paintshop. I painted the hull red with (I hope) the right red colour. Tomorrow I will mark the waterline and will paint the upper part of the hull.
  19. When Iam building I have a few tools I would not want to be without. There is the hobbyknife, the steel ruler, a sandingstick and... my handdrill. I use is a lot but the problem is you have to change the drillbits every time you need another size. Last month I wrote down the drillsizes I use most and I came up with 5 populair sizes. So I ordered 4 more handdrills and I made a good looking socket for them and now I never grab wrong when I need a drill.
  20. Hello builders! I found out its really the thinner. After Carls message I tried it on a piece of plasticard with no paint or primer on it and it gave the same messed up result. Now I tried a piece without primer and sprayed it with paint mixed with water and ther was no problem. Today I ordered some Isoprophyl alcohol. They say this is the correct stuff to thin Valejjo so I will try it. Regards, Kees
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