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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Thanks everybody for watching, comments and like's. Today a dryfit for the parts. I finished the railings and some other details. Now I start with the deck and the front of the ship. Nothing is fit yet and some parts need some finishing.
  2. Yes the wheelhouse of modern fishingships have a lot of modern technology. I think there is more technology than You find on the Enterprise. I called my wheelhouse scematic because I made it based just on photo's made a few bigger 'devices' in stead of all the devices and computers. On the real ship there are also lots of appliances and computers on the ceiling. I make some leds in the wheelhouse and I think this will give a nice effect when you look trough the windows. And as said.. Maybe nobody will see but i will know
  3. Hello Jan and everybody else. Thanks for watching and hitting the like-button. There is a little interiour in the bridge but I masked the windows for painting. The interiour is scematic because the windows are so small. But when people look trough the windows they will see 'something' like an interiour. When finished the windows will get clearfoil.
  4. I went a litlle further with the structure of the back of the ship. It was more work than I expected because i want to make the structure removable because of the electric wiring for the numerous leds in the model. No more talking... here are the provisional results (times three but I only show one) Now on with all the details.
  5. amazing woodwork. So nice finish and the photo's are a ioy to look at.
  6. Thank you for the video Paul and the beautifull photo's you give us.
  7. You are doing great Piet. I like the carving very much and I am very curious about your next build.
  8. Wow this is a very extraordinary build. Very nice work on the rowing movements
  9. Very beautifull build. I like the small boats you made I have to keep that in mind.
  10. I made a mistake with the back of the ship but I discovered it just after I had glued everything with superglue And I have some health issues (the reason why I have so much 'buildingtime') I am now awaiting a new treatment but it can take some weeks before they call me. This gives me and my family a lot of uncertainty. After every smile there is a story
  11. I made some pictures of the garlicnets. They have a nice mesh from arround 2 millimeter. Today I robbed the Turkish supermarket so I think I have enough nets now.
  12. Yes it is as Carl says. I can write a lot about it but I think there is a YT-video which explains everything. It is made on the OD-1 which is almost the same as the KW88. https://youtu.be/HXfnHjeiKoI @Carl. The side with the chains will be facing the inner side of the bulwarks so thats why I made this a little bit scematic. But on the set for my own model there are still chains. No one will ever see them but I will know they are there The bigger chains for lifting the sumwings I will add later
  13. I will update on the new project later The sumwings are finished but not yet complete. That comes when I give them their final positions. 3 off 6
  14. Thank you all for the kind reply and everybody who hits the Like-button. I am very happy to contribute to this forum with my strange 'plastic' fishingship. About what next to come... Yes I know what will be my next project. This week I have received some digital scans of some technical drawings of a beautifull fishingship. The drawings were found in the library of the Maritime Museum of Rotterdam and for a (pretty big) financial contribution I am the lucky owner of this 104 years old drawings of a Dutch .................. fishing ......... Sorry no more information but when I finish the KW88 Pelikaan I will tell you more. I bought some books and I hope to visit a similair ship like I hope to build to gather more information. As a little teaser I give You this piece of the drawings I recieved. Kind regards, Kees
  15. Some progress on the sumwings, It's not an easy shape to make but I am satisfied with the wings I have now. After this I start adding the details (which are many) And then I want to figure out to find a way to make the fishingnets. (I eat lots and lots of garlic these weeks. Maybe next time I tell You why)
  16. Yes a big project. But I am getting there... I started to build up the back of the ship but when i was looking at the photo's I realized I have not build yet the most important piece of the ship. Its called the sumwing and it is a Dutch invention to drag the nets over the seabed with less agitation off the bottom and less fuelconsumption. The sumwing 'flies' over the seabed draging the nets forward. The pulswires attached to the the sumwing and the nets give electric pulses which makes the fish jump up in the nets. On http://www.sumwing.nl You can find more images and some video about the sumwing. Next update I hope to show you my finished modelsumwings Kind regards, Kees
  17. Very nice work on the ship and the anchor. I am impressed
  18. Hello Jan, At this moment there are no parts left to build (there are but I can only build them when other parts are combined ) so I can start building the parts together. I dont know yet how I'm going to tackle this. Because I want to install some leds I want to make the parts removable. And I need to figure out a way to display the models. I have some hardwood planks and I want two metal cilinders on which the keel is attached. (one of them has to be hollow for an electric wire) cheers, Kees
  19. One of the last things to build on this ship are the portals on the back of the ship. This portal is placed a few years after the ship was build. First there was a crane and a rubberboat The portal is used for the two puleys that guides the pulswires to the nets Here the placing of the portal And the last video from tonight VIDEO https://youtu.be/UXRk0Slax9c VIDEO
  20. Thank You for the reply's, the views and hitting the likebutton. I enjoyed making the video so today I made a new one. This time I finished the mast and I show some tips and tricks to build with styreen. https://youtu.be/YnKfE6qEbfk I have to learn a lott about videomaking (and edit in moviemaker) so notting is perfect. No talking in the video because of my terrible English Please enjoy
  21. A little video about me, building some parts of the ship. No complaines about is afterwards https://youtu.be/BkW-KaFhJMY You could have skipped it before.....
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