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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Congratulations! You did a nice job on building this model, especially at such a small scale.
  2. I am currently building this model and I would not recommend this kit for a first time build. I would go the route that grsjax recommended, the Model Shipways Lowell Grand Banks Dory. This kit can be purchased at a low price when Model Expo has one of their weekly sales. You may have to sign up for emails from them to be notified when the sales start and for the discount code.
  3. Congratulations Lynn on finishing your Pram. It is a great looking model and you should be proud of the work you have done. It is really nice to watch you improve your skills with the two boats you have completed. I am looking forward to seeing your build of the Phantom. I have seen some really nice builds of this kit using Chuck's practicum.
  4. Thanks Vahur for becoming a sponsor of Model Ship World. I wish you a successful start to your business. Hobbymill will be offering a valued service to our European members.
  5. Lynn, you are making good progress on your Pram. For your next model, you could build the Model Shipways Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack, which is the third kit in the series of progressive builds. Another option would be the Fifie ‘Lady Eleanor’ or the Zulu ‘Lady Isabella’ kits from Vanguard Models. Here is a link to the Vanguard site: https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product-category/vanguard-model-kits/
  6. Earlier this week I painted the oars, attached the flag and hung some rope coils on the flag halliard. My Medway Longboat is now finished. This has been a very enjoyable build. I want to thank many people for their help and encouragement along the way. A special thank you goes out to Chuck who offered advice and encouragement throughout my build. I have seen Chuck's model in person at three ship model shows and I have taken many photos of his model to use as a reference for my build. I also appreciate that Chuck designed a kit that a novice builder like me can build and the end result is a model that looks way better than what my skills could produce. I also appreciate all of the builders of this kit that posted their build logs on MSW. If your build logs were a book, I would have worn out the pages as I referred to your build logs for many of the tasks that I completed in my build. I also want to thank all of those members who looked in on my build log and made comments or hit the like button. Your reactions to my posts were a motivating force to move on to the next step of construction. Here are photos of my Medway Longboat, a fantastic kit by Syren Ship Model Company:
  7. Henry, Check out the build logs for the Model Shipways 18th Century Longboat. I did a search and came up with three pages of build logs. I am sure that some of these that have gotten to the rigging of their Longboats may show how they did the iron bands and seizing the blocks to the iron bands. Here is a link of the search that I did: https://modelshipworld.com/tags/18th century longboat/ In addition, you may want to check out YouTube as there are several good videos on seizing blocks.
  8. Welcome to Model Ship World Jared. Doing a build log on your Flying Fish would allow you to practice your other hobby of photography. I am always trying to improve my photography skills when I take pictures of my model for a build log.
  9. Thanks everyone for the comments and the "Likes". I had my Medway Longboat on display at Modelcon on August 7th, which was a ship model show held on the Battleship New Jersey and hosted by the Philadelphia Ship Model Society. I was displaying it on the fantail of the ship. Here is a photo of the display: I had a scare when I packed up the model to bring it home. I had placed the model on its build board, which was secured to the bottom of a cardboard box, and placed the box on a table. A gust of wind came through and blew the box with my model in it off of the table. My heart sank as the box landed on its side and the model was thrown partially out of the box. Luckily, the only damage to the model was some paint was rubbed off of the bowsprit when it slid inside of the box. All of the glue joints held. I was real lucky that the model did not suffer more damage. I finally got back to work on it this week. I have been working on the oars as I want to display six of them with the model. I shortened the length of the oars to nine inches, which would be 18 scale feet. The next step is to paint them with multiple coats of highly thinned paint. It is hard to believe the model is close to being finished. I have enjoyed every minute of building this model.
  10. Hi Nick and welcome to Model Ship World. I hope you do start a build log so we can follow your progress. The Bluenose is a beautiful ship. You should check out Frank Mastini's book Ship Modeling Simplified. It was my first book about ship modeling and it is the book that got me hooked on this hobby. It is about building a model of the Bluenose.
  11. Hi Joe and thanks for being a sponsor of Model Ship World. I am glad you have stepped up to provide us modelers with precision milled wood for our projects. I look forward to becoming a customer of yours.
  12. Thanks everyone for your comments and for the likes. I appreciate all the support that everyone has given me on this build. Tim, thanks for checking out my build log. I am glad you have restarted your Medway build. This is a nicely designed kit and if you follow the instructions, you will build a model that you will be proud of. I used medium CA for the planking and Titebond for all of the other wood to wood contact.
  13. Congratulations on finishing your Enterprise. It is very nicely built, especially for your first wooden ship model.
  14. I know the feeling. Sometimes, a plank becomes very difficult to install. Start at the rabbet and slowly work your way back. You will have to try fit the plank, sand a little and refit and repeat this process as many times as needed to get the plank to fit. Just keep working slowly at it and it will eventually fit. I have even taken some wood off of the plank you are fitting it to, which I do not like doing, just to get the plank to fit. Good luck on this.
  15. Work continues on my Medway Longboat. I made the traveler ring and a couple of hooks and then rigged the jib halliard and outhaul. This finished up the rigging. The next step was to make up some rope coils for the belaying pins. I also decided to wrap some line around the windlass. Assembly of these was made easier by not having the thwarts installed at this time. Once the coils are completed, the remaining thwarts will be glued to the risers. Here is a picture of the model as it now looks: All that is left is to make three more rope coils, six oars, install the flag and the display stand and this model will be finished.
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