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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. I struggle using blackening agents. I used Jax at full strength and immediately rinse in water after removing from the blackening solution (usually less than 10 seconds in blackening solution). I wipe the part off and let dry, then repeat the process until I get the desired tone of black and then hope and pray the blackening does not wipe off.
  2. Zack, Nice start to your Pram. Before you go any further, I would do something to the stern transom supporter to get it to sit at a ninety degree angle to the build board. The stern transom should be parallel to the build board. I normally do not like modifying jigs, but I would think the transom should sit flush with the build board. Something looks off.
  3. The 18 and 22 gauge copper wire that I got from Michael's did not have a plastic coating on it. I did sand it with fine sand paper and soaked it in acetone prior to blackening it. I had purchased some 28 gauge wire from Model Expo many years ago that was black in color. I did a google search and found many places that sell the black annealed wire, but you would have to pay for shipping which adds to the cost.
  4. Hi Greg and welcome to Model Ship World. The technological advancements in CNC and 3D printing have produced some amazing results. Definitely a plus to learn this technology.
  5. For my thimbles, I cut the 1/16" brass tubing slightly longer than 1/16". A thimble is not needed on the horse because the block is seized to the horse. The sheet that is run through the blocks is extra long and this allows the boom to move port and starboard. I have heard of making the eye bolts the way you are doing and it definitely would be a lot stronger than forming a loop on the end of the wire, which is the way I did it. Seven eye bolts are correct.
  6. Hi Floyd. It sounds like you are making good progress on your Medway Longboat. I enjoyed the rigging progress. I used seven thimbles on my Medway. They were used at the following locations: One each on the two blocks at the upper part of the mast; One each for the backstay tackle; One for the peak halliard; One each at the foresail halliard and jib halliard. I made many more thimbles than the seven that I used. This way, I could pick out the best ones to use on the model. I am looking forward to seeing some pictures of your model.
  7. Hi Chris and welcome to Model Ship World. I had a look at your Atlantic build log and you are doing a good job building this model.
  8. I am glad that a recording will be made. The HRSMS meets on the second Saturday of each month, so I will miss the live presentation.
  9. Hi Steve and welcome to Model Ship World. The Polaris looks like a nice kit for the first time ship model builder. I look forward to seeing your build log.
  10. Hi Ian and welcome to Model Ship World. You will find plenty of support on this forum for whatever project you decide to do.
  11. Hi Rick and welcome to Model Ship World. The Medway Longboat is an excellent kit and a lot of fun to build. Please start a build log and do not hesitate to ask questions if you need help.
  12. Hi Tom and welcome to Model Ship World. Please share some pictures of your Victory build and I hope you can find replacement sheets for the missing plans. I wish you the best and hope that the third back surgery will be the last.
  13. Congratulations of completing your Pram. You did a good job on building this model. What ship model would you like to build next based on the skills you have learned?
  14. Welcome to Model Ship World Glenn. Semper fi my friend.
  15. Hi Dave and welcome to Model Ship World. Good luck on whatever project you decide to do.
  16. Hi Jorge and welcome to Model Ship World. I look forward to seeing your build log of your L'Ambitieux.
  17. Hi Jason and welcome to Model Ship World. I have posted a link to your build log HERE. You have done a good job on your model.
  18. Welcome to Model Ship World Barry. I hope you do a build log on your Cutty Sark.
  19. Hi Melissa and welcome to Model Ship World. The Swampscott Dory kit is an excellent kit for the first time wooden ship modeler. I hope you start a build log of your model when you receive it so we can follow your progress.
  20. Lynn, a 3/16" drill bit is 0.1875" wide. The hole to be drilled is only 1/8" (0.125") deep and it is located on the bottom of the overhang at the stern. As the instructions state, be careful not to drill through the hull. The top of the rudder will fit in this hole.
  21. Re-doing tasks is an important part of this hobby. You will never be happy for yourself if you knowingly leave a mistake on your model. As druxey said, mistakes do have a way of compounding themselves if not corrected.
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