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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Nicely done, OC. The cavalry of that era were the peacocks of the army. In a time gaudy uniforms, the cav alry were the gaudiest. Your detail painting is superb.
  2. Props look great, but the hub? Looks like it's for an inline engine.
  3. You can also read the late James Hornfischer's "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors". Very interesting read.
  4. OC, they could have "bobbed" tails or something similar. They may have trimmed tails versus letting them grow naturally. Your choice, mate.
  5. OC, your second horse looks like it's trying to lay down. 😁 At least, that's what mine looked like as they laid down. And yes, horses do lay down. If I had mine in their stalls overnight, they'd be walking out with light colored wood spots in the morning. The models are looking good.
  6. Your dio will be chock full of soldiers, I guess in several mini-scenes. It'll be pretty busy. Nice, since every time you look at it, you'll focus on a different scene. 👍
  7. Your engine stand is looking the real deal, brother. These prints are great for prototyping; the skills for many of us in scratchbuilding in styrene or brass are lacking. Many model railroaders are collectors of ready made models, not builders anymore. Those of us who do build are sometimes talked about as if we were practicing magic. We learn by doing, as you are so eloquently showing us. Thanks.
  8. I got to fly on the wing of the RAF version of the Buccaneer; I think 208 Squadron, at a Red Flag in the late 70s. Very professional crews. 👍
  9. Had a good friend from up that way. Heck of a mechanical engineer. Unfortunately, he passed about a year back from a heart attack. He had stories about the Michiganders. We miss him.
  10. Rudtbob, you may want to wash your plastic parts with Dawn and warm water. The Dawn cuts through the oils on the parts. Works on both plastic and resin. Wash after cleaning up the parts, but before assembly. The CA and styrene glues work better.
  11. Too bad these printing resins are so brittle. The old resins they cast kits back in 80s were like that. Like peanut brittle. I think they were polyester resins. the stuff the use now is much easier to work, but then they are cast parts. They call it styrourethane and it glues up with CA. I think it was mid 70s when the yellow gear went to camo.
  12. Looking good, EG. Been out and about, missing this discussion. Engine and dolly look the part. Cripes, I remember when all the support equipment, referred to as Aerospace Ground Equipment or AGE, was that yellow. Well done. You may need to insert brass pins in your plastic joints. And maybe use MEK to weld the parts. Just sayin'.
  13. I'm in also. I remember the incident, because of some friends' involvement conducting the overflights. Looking forward to the build.
  14. Rudybob, just be careful that you have tight seams all along the hull. The Tamiya is a very thin liquid and can find the tiniest holes. The painters tape can hide the seepage.
  15. Great work, Craig. Well fitted parts, nice. And a good history lesson on armor development in the 30s into WWII. Thanks, EG.
  16. Roger that. Seems a waste to do up a nice interior and then hide it inside..
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