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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. And during those 12 years, kit design has advanced by leaps and bounds -- features-wise, this "new" kit would lag far behind recent releases. Still, it has that magical name attached to it, and that would count for something.
  2. This "new kit" of theirs has been in development, if we can even call it that, for at least a decade -- probably closer to two decades by now.
  3. Niagara is a fine kit. This is an older Model Shipways design, and MS kits usually require builders to essentially scratch-build components using kit-supplied materials; in newer kits, many of these same components are built from laser- or CNC-routed parts. Choosing one or the other style is a matter of personal preference, and based on your beautiful Pup model, it certainly looks like you would not be thwarted by the MS design philosophy.
  4. If I had money, space, a trailer & hitch, and a way to hide my activities from the admiral, I would love to add a daysailer and maybe a skiff to the fleet, but don't look for those any time soon.
  5. I put the 2nd coat of epoxy on today -- I have it almost down to a science now. Today's work took only 45 minutes. I won't add a picture today, because the boat looks exactly the same as in the previous post. Once this coat cures, it will be time to do the major sanding, i.e. taking down all the lumps and bumps, smoothing the seams, etc., after which will come a final finish coat of epoxy. Time to start thinking about finishes, but still a bit of work before then.
  6. Congratulations, John! Finishing that first model is always a joy, and you pulled it off with a particularly challenging subject. Cheers!
  7. Doris, I'm afraid there are not enough superlatives in our language to describe your work -- it is truly outstanding in every respect. Cheers!
  8. Okay, everyone -- slow down! The problem here is that opinions were expressed, and then opinions were expressed about those opinions, and then ... well, you know how these things go. I think everyone agrees that this is Henry's model, and ultimately he can do with it whatever he wishes. So, let's leave the opinions aside for now and let Henry get on with his restoration. Back to you, Henry!
  9. Where do you want to begin? Unboxing? Starting the build? Already part-way through the build? It's up to you.
  10. Just noticed this in your signature. HMV beat you to it. 😉
  11. So I just now finished putting the second coat of epoxy on the coamings. This was such a small amount of epoxy (one squirt each of resin and hardener) that I announced to the womenfolk that I wasn't going to change into my grubbies for the job. Doubt was expressed about whether I could do this without making a mess. Ten minutes later, upon coming in from the garage, the following conversation was had: Me: "I'm done." Wife: "Did you get any on you?" Me: "No." Daughter: "Then I owe Mom five bucks." 😆😆😆
  12. Great subject. I added a bit to your title for those of us (perhaps only me) who had no clue what 'HDML' stands for.
  13. It looks like you made a good recovery!
  14. Finally an update. Have been working on this project slowly, interspersed with with bits of boat building. I now have White Tail's fuselage completed to the same stage as Spanish Nationalist. Remind me not to build any more airplanes with W engines -- three cylinder head covers per plane got kind of tedious. 😬
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