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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Okay, you might have to look hard to see the difference between this photo and the previous photo -- just a few new bits. Next up is building the forecastle. I stained all the parts today, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to start it.
  2. That was my first thought, too. An anchor and hawse were bound to bring a little dreck aboard when hoisted in and stowed.
  3. James, if you're not acquainted with them yet, you may be interested in attending a meeting of the South Bay Model Shipwrights. They meet in Los Altos.
  4. Welcome aboard! Some of my European friends will certainly be better acquainted with this product than I, but I believe that Gerhard Schmidt kits were simply rebranded kits made by other firms, such as Billing Boats. I believe it is this same design that is now being manufactured by Dusek Ship Models, though Dusek has been bringing such older designs up to current manufacturing standards before re-issuing them (we have a review for the Dusek L'Etoile here on the forum). Whether the current Dusek instruction manual would provide any assistance for your older kit I can't say for certain, but perhaps someone else has a better idea on this. Cheers!
  5. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this kit -- definitely one of the best-looking schooners available in kit form.
  6. Welcome, Doug. You've been given good advice above. Make sure to choose a kit that "speaks" to you.
  7. Welcome aboard! I am a California native transplanted to the East Coast, so I guess the two of us balance things out. Sounds like you must work in Silicon Valley somewhere -- I last hung my California hat in Mariposa.
  8. I missed the end of this one. Fantastic model, Richard -- very neat work and love the colors!
  9. That depends on how one defines the word "yacht." America's Cup racers are relatively well-represented (numerous versions of America, Mamoli's Puritan, Amati's Endeavour, etc.), but the really elegant sailing and motor yachts of yesteryear are not on anyone's radar. Chris may recall that at one time I suggested that he look into doing a kit of Coronet, which is currently being restored at the International Yacht Restoration School, so lots of info on her construction should be available. Sadly, though, I think that a kit of any of these glamorous vessels would only ever appeal to a small slice of our membership, since they don't have the requisite lots of guns. So as Chris hinted, something like this is probably best reserved until after he gets an established basic lineup in place.
  10. Hey, Chris. Choosing what kits to issue and what order to issue them in is undoubtedly a real challenge with inherent financial consequences. I think that taking a look at what have been popular sellers for Caldercraft and Amati/Victory models based on message traffic at MSW could be helpful. There's little doubt in my mind that your impending Dutchess of Kingston will sell well, because it is akin to Fly/Pegasus in size and ornamentation. Brigs and sloops were the workhorses of the RN, true, but I think there can be too much of a good thing in a manufacturer's lineup, e.g. Caldercraft's Jalouse and Mars, which are great kits that are only infrequently seen around here. Same could be said for Amati's Mercury -- awesome model, but how many build logs for it do we have going right now? I think the suggestion of a 20- or 24-gun frigate is a good one, as that would be an incremental step up from Speedy/Flirt, and it is also a subject that is lacking in the broader kit model selection. Afterwards, a heavy frigate bearing the Vanguard Models brand name will sell like hotcakes, I'm fairly certain, especially if it is one with a history, and will justify your investment in machinery. Fun stuff to look forward to!
  11. Okay, a little progress. Mounted the posts for the backstays and shrouds, along with the sterncastle ladders.
  12. Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear about your paint & stain issues, but your deck planking looks first-rate. You'll get it sorted. Cheers!
  13. Speaking as one of the folks who marks builds as finished, we tend to do so at whatever point the builder says it's done. That may or may not include casing. If the builder says a case is imminent, we'll wait until the case shows up in the log.
  14. Good luck on your remodels! I always tell people that I hate do-it-yourself work because after I've completed it, it looks like I did it myself. 🙄
  15. I have some sort of strange modeler's affliction where I get about 2/3 done or so with a model and am already thinking about the next one -- this partly explains why I have three partially finished models on hand. I have to force myself to finish the current job before I indulge myself with starting another.
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