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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Interplane struts, bracing wires, and top wing added. The bracing wire is done with EZ-Line, an elastic polymer that was originally designed for model railroaders to replicate utility lines. EZ-Line's saving grace is that you can glue one end, cut it just shy of the other attachment point, then stretch it to make the connection, after which it stays "taut" without actually exerting much tension force anywhere. Its downside is that it is very fussy about glues. I often have a devil of a time trying to get it to pick up just a tiny drop of CA to make a bond -- it just doesn't adhere well. Fortuitously, I discovered that, yet again, Evergreen Canopy Glue works well for the task. So, I have been using Evergreen for point-to-point connections and CA wherever I can wrap the line around its attachment point. For this construction sequence, I first glued the V-struts to their lower wings, then glued the lower wings to the fuselage. Next I added all of the interplane bracing, which is a much easier method (though not entirely pain-free) than doing it after the top wing is on. Once all the bracing was done, the top wing was added and voila!
  2. I'm finding that canopy glue has many useful qualities for card models -- grabs quick, dries clear, and can be touched up with a damp brush or fingertip. The one fault I find is that it remains somewhat flexible after curing, so it is not entirely suitable for joints that require rigid connections. I used to use thinned PVA quite a bit, applied with a brush (messy!), but I've really taken a shine to using the canopy glue and applicator.
  3. Probably have more collector value. How much more I can't say.
  4. Test fit of top wing to cabane struts -- can't ask for a better initial fit. Feels quite solid.
  5. They are company markings. ^ = 1st Company < (pointing forward) = 2nd Company V = 3rd Company > (pointing backward) = 4th Company
  6. Have you tried listing it at any of the forums more dedicated to steel navy subjects? It's a shame it's not getting any traction here. Way, way beyond my abilities and budget, though.
  7. All control surfaces done and have started work on the cabane struts.
  8. Check out the finished build logs here.
  9. Fascinating side note: In the past year, I have finished eight models -- that's a real tear for me! On to the top wing! First the sub-structure -- very stout: And the outer skin: Wound up with one small part left over, but if I don't tell you what it is, you'd probably never figure it out on your own. 😉
  10. It's coming together nicely. I built the Modelik 1/100 scale card kit of HMCS Agassiz many years ago, but it didn't have the attractive Western Approaches camouflage that your model wears.
  11. I've heard of Delaware and can find it on a map. 🤔 Kidding aside, welcome to MSW!
  12. Pardon me if this got mentioned already, but for those who may not know, "Gimel" isn't a nickname but rather the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. So, Sho't is "whip" in Hebrew, Kal indicates that it is powered by a Continental diesel engine, and Gimel indicates that it is the third variant after Aleph and Bet.
  13. It is true that the AL kits are not the most recommended kits around here, but that doesn't mean they can't be built. I believe the new AL kits include photo-illustrated instructions, and the kits you listed fit the criteria for beginner kits. If you click here, you'll find a list of all of the topics on our site that have been tagged with 'Artesania Latina' -- scroll through the list and look for build logs of the kits you're interested in to see what you'd be getting yourself into. Cheers!
  14. It's hard to see in this photo -- heck, it's hard to see in real life -- but twenty twenty-one parts were added to the fuselage between the last update and this one. Tiny, tiny parts.
  15. No, they bleed. You have to be careful about where and when to use them. With the black edging on this kit, the bleed is not a problem.
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