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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Part of my addiction involves countless hours monitoring various vendor websites. 😁
  2. Some cardists do this to good effect, but I'm far too lazy, especially when an after-market canopy only costs a few dollars.
  3. Models in any medium are welcome here. Enjoy your stay!
  4. "canopy" = the clear, vacuformed after-market product "frames" the printed canopy + windscreen framing from the kit
  5. Hi, Shane. First word of advice is don't do anything to this model until you have had a knowledgeable maritime art dealer assess it. These things can have some collector's value depending on their age and provenance, and the patina of age may even be a desirable characteristic. The subject appears to be a bit fanciful. The ship has the masts and secondary battery of a pre-Dreadnought, but the American Civil War had demonstrated the superiority of turret-mounted main batteries, and casemate-mounted main guns were largely a thing of the past by the mid-1870s. AFAIK, all British pre-Dreadnoughts carried their main armament in turrets. Have fun unraveling this mystery!
  6. It turns out I overreacted a bit to the molded canopy issue -- it is apparently formed slightly over-sized on purpose. By gluing the framing to the portion of the canopy that it actually fit instead of presuming it should have followed the molded "edge" areas, everything works out. Of course, by not being able to follow the "edge" areas of the molded canopy, some guesswork is involved on where exactly to glue the frames in relation to the canopy's curvature, but that worked out, too.
  7. What?? 'NMM' was a perfectly serviceable acronym. Now I have to unlearn that one and memorize a different one. 😜
  8. Hi, Gizmo! I had a look at your uncle's models and posted a comment there. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Welcome, Dennis! I'm not an RC guy, so I can't help you on that front, but hopefully some of the guys who dabble in that niche will come forward to answer your questions. Cheers!
  10. Welcome aboard! My dad did the same, but for B-47s in the USAF. I commend you for getting back to your project after a 37-year layoff -- have fun completing it!
  11. Remember the not-very-realistic propeller hub in this kit? Here's what the one in the Card Army F4F kit looks like: Of course, the Wildcat in the photo is being built by a real modeler, not me. The Card Army kit is like a six on a difficulty scale of one to five.
  12. Quick update -- wings and stabilizers attached to fuselage. I'm still impressed by the aircraft's sheer size. The model is a bit over 11 in. in length and has an almost 16 in. wingspan. I couldn't clear away enough clutter off my workbench to make room for this shot, so I had to move the 'Cat to a different table.
  13. Indeed -- but perhaps just a little out of place alongside all that shiny teak and brass! 😉
  14. I believe this is the first one we have ever had featured in a build log here, so I'm sure many of us are curious to see how this turns out. No pressure, though! 😉
  15. Welcome, Nathan! That's an impressive display case. You'll find that we have many members who enjoy working on a variety of subjects in different kinds of media.
  16. Actually, I postponed making a decision until after taking another crack at the canopy, and so far It's coming together.
  17. I may have hit upon a possible solution to the issues I'm having with this kit. Stay tuned . . .
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