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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Jim, may I suggest starting a new log? I know we have members, including myself, who would like to follow along on your project.
  2. Welcome aboard from one of the probably few American members here who has heard of Crewe Alexandra FC!
  3. I may have gotten myself into hot water in the past for sneaking off to build models when guests were around -- I'm not admitting to anything. 😬
  4. Hey, I just got the Cabelas/Bass Pro Shop spring sale circular in the mail yesterday, and after perusing the prices for bass boats and gear I commented to my wife that I actually have a modestly priced hobby.
  5. I'm really trying hard to resist adding this kit to my already overburdened card model stash -- your build log isn't helping! 😆
  6. Nice kit! I vote for doing the torpedo loading version -- it would make an awesome diorama.
  7. Welcome to the forum, Ralph!
  8. Welcome aboard, Al! As Vitus mentioned, your model is a four-masted barkentine (sometimes spelled barquentine), a ship that is square-rigged on its foremast and fore-and-aft rigged on the remaining masts. It is quite likely a scratch-built model, perhaps built by a former crew member or someone who was familiar with her (would be nice to know, wouldn't it?), which means it's a one-of-a-kind model and definitely worthy of restoration. Some of our members are knowledgeable about this kind of work and will be able to give you some guidance. Cheers!
  9. Wye River Models is a manufacturer we don't often see around here due to the modest size of their operation, but they do offer some unique designs, and we have seen a few build logs for them, which you can check out here.
  10. Joe, if you are copying and pasting text from another forum, selecting the "paste as plain text" option will eliminate the tan highlighting in your posts.
  11. I have two headband magnifiers. One is the type that has the lens mounted in a hood, the other does not. The one without the hood makes me sick after awhile, probably because it allows for a large, unmagnified peripheral field of vision while using it. The magnifier with the hood is the cheap kind from Harbor Freight -- I can use that one for hours without any problems.
  12. I love the Thayer, even though I've never been fortunate enough to visit her in person. I grew up in Humboldt County and spent part of my adulthood working in the woods of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties, tromping around in the redwoods once owned by the Falk Brothers, PALCO, Carson & Dolbeer, USAL, and other companies that shipped lumber aboard Bendixsen-built schooners. I would dearly love to see a kit of her developed -- would probably even pry the padlock off my wallet for one! You know there have to be detailed lines and drawings made during her reconstruction -- a trove of resources for any potential designer. It's just a pity that all of Bendixsen's half-hull models were lost in the mists of time when the yard closed.
  13. Congratulations on finishing your model! Two tips for photos: 1. Use a hard return between images to give them some visual separation. 2. As you've learned, there isn't a limit on the number of photos, but bear in mind that that photo-heavy posts will load slowly on older computers, so some members will be inclined to skip such posts. Cheers!
  14. I don't think I've ever seen a POF hull built in that manner before, but the end result looks great!
  15. Welcome aboard, Jeff!
  16. Welcome aboard, Jim!
  17. I get the feeling it's a mom and pop operation, except there's no mom, so the production run for each kit is pretty small -- probably most go to Japanese customers, since he doesn't perceive a need to cater to English-speaking customers.
  18. I'm an Android user, and it's there for me. I can't speak to any iPhone issues.
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