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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Such an unusual and visually striking model -- congratulations!
  2. Yes. I might have purchased this kit -- and a P-47D-11, Curtiss SB2C, and Fw-190 Sturmbock. Maybe. Possibly. 😬
  3. Exactly! If my wife asks about it, I'll steer her to you, Mark!
  4. I may have caved in to temptation on this kit -- plus a few others. 🤫
  5. Depends on how you define "really cheap." Kits by Midwest Products, currently made and sold by Model Expo, are excellent beginner kits and can be had for under $50. If you can scratch together $100-150, then there are a significant number of other great kits available. Since building in wood can require a considerable time investment, it's wise to choose a kit that will really grab and hold your interest. BTW, if you have a very limited budget and a dearth of tools, you might try considering card models -- they are tailor-made for people strapped for cash, tools, and/or space.
  6. You are asking a very general question and one that is difficult to answer without knowing a lot more about your project. What do you mean when you say "small frame"? Is it a kit or a scratch project? What medium are you building in? How much experience do you have? If you have no experience, then the best thing to start with is research: get a few books on building model ships (check your local library) and read through them. Look through the build logs, especially the ones tagged "first build", to see what other new modelers are building. So, step back, tell us more about yourself and what you are hoping to accomplish, and we'll go from there.
  7. Welcome aboard! We have a number of talented maritime artists around here who share their work with us -- I'm sure our members would enjoy seeing yours as well if you're so inclined. Cheers!
  8. Watching the video gives one a renewed appreciation of what people were able to accomplish using only wind, ingenuity, and manpower.
  9. I kinda like the Safety Match parrot -- it makes your model unique and suggests that 17th century Dutch sailors invented billboards.
  10. Just to mess with your head some more, here's how Marcin Dworzecki interpreted the RAF colors for Halinski's Mk V kit: https://www.kartonbau.de/forum/thema/37975-hawker-tempest-1-33-4-2012-von-halinski/
  11. There are certain camouflage schemes that look even more impressive if you ever happen to stumble across an aerial photograph of the local terrain over which the plane flew missions. Finnish winter camo is one such scheme. Italian desert camo was another.
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. I might have an ulterior motive for having an abundance of logs to peruse for this particular kit. 😏
  14. So, I ordered the 3"/50s and quad 1" AA from a vendor on Shapeways, and they arrived today. My first impression, made without my visor at hand -- just a lot of squinting, is that the 3"/50 mounts are good, but that the quad 1" mount is less so. The latter comes in multiple pieces and appears to have some excess material that may need to be removed. The barrels are also less than perfectly round. But I will postpone a final judgment until I have had a chance to look at things under magnification and assemble and paint them. When might that be? Don't know at this point, but at least I will be able to move forward with this project once I can get back to my bench.
  15. The pictures don't look that much different to me. I can only say that in all of my printed card model kits from that period, the RAF gray (or should we say 'grey'?) definitely has a bluish tint.
  16. Ahoj! My Czech is much worse than your English. Good luck on your project!
  17. Welcome aboard, Michael! That's a fine model there.
  18. I have apologized to my children on multiple occasions for our generation using up all the good music.
  19. It's difficult to say which manufacturer has the 'best' instructions, as typically any manufacturer will have some good instructions and some not so good. For some manufacturers, one can observe a noticeable improvement in instructions with each new kit release. And the answer to the question is also somewhat subject -- what suffices for one modeler may be deemed insufficient by another. Also, in some instances, good plans are what can make or break a build; good plans can usually compensate for skimpy instructions.
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