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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Greg, did you use EZ-Line for the rigging? If so, I'd be interested in hearing how you go about securing the ends to their attachment points.
  2. He's recommending your build log as a resource for a rookie builder working on a different kit. It's actually a bit of a compliment.
  3. All the cockpit components ready to add to frame. All closed up now.
  4. Moin moin, Marius! Cala Esmeralda is a beautiful ship -- I'm very fond of topsail schooners. Good luck on your project!
  5. Welcome to MSW, Sam!
  6. As Allan said, you can certainly spruce up your model however you like. That being said, I would probably shy away from adding ratlines. All of the sails on a small schooner could be raised and lowered from the deck -- there was simply no need for sailors to go aloft, so ratlines would look a bit out of place.
  7. Hoping for a speedy recovery, Glenn. Backs are weird -- they can go out for the most seemingly innocuous of reasons.
  8. To be clear, it's not a quality issue with this kit. The kit is purposely designed for intermediate modelers, therefore its detail level is not that of a Halinski or Card Army kit, but the quality has been fine so far.
  9. Got a smidge done so far -- cockpit bits. The intermediate-level nature of the kit is evidenced by the mix of 3-D detail parts and plain 2-D printed surfaces. No provision is made for glazing the instrument panel.
  10. If you want to take your oars up a notch, you can try flattening the blades and slimming the shafts. Fiddly work, but I think you'll like the result.
  11. Chaz, 1/96 scale for sailing ships is a real challenge in any medium. I think you would find it very helpful to try one of the simpler free models that dot the internet landscape. You can find links in the card modeling tutorial.
  12. Mike, I'm betting those are a variant of the RAF's Mk VIII depth charge, as seen in this photo from Wikimedia.
  13. Wow, best of show! That's a fine achievement, Greg!
  14. Start with one area or the other, but put both media in the title. You'll probably get answers for both.
  15. Congratulations! That's a suitably impressive-looking model!
  16. First cuts 'n' glues. I've never built a kit like this that has the wing spars as part and parcel of the cockpit framing -- just seems to me like a good way to snap the spars off accidentally. But I will try to be extra careful moving forward. As I said earlier, the Wildcat is not as beefy as the Hellcat, but it's still bigger than I had imagined. The next -cat I build will have to be the relatively diminuitive Bearcat. But don't get your hopes up -- I don't actually have one in my stash.
  17. Short answer: You don't. Only an administrator can make changes like that, and I don't think they can do it for individual topics, i.e., it's a site-wide setting. Page length is determined by the number of posts in a topic -- I believe each page is currently set for 25 posts. The only way to shorten your content is to post fewer pictures. That's probably a good thing to do in any case, since scrolling past endless photos can be a turn-off for some users, not to mention all those photos can take a long time to load on older systems or slower internet connections. Best thing to do is to select a few photos that best show your progress on your build. If you still want to post lots of photos, you can try posting them in installments -- more posts with fewer photos per post. Cheers!
  18. That's literally why I have never gone out of my way to purchase a P-38 kit. 😆 But I have caved in to temptation in the past by acquiring big birds like the Whirlwind, Tempest, and P-47. Not exactly sure where I will display them when I get around to building them, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
  19. Not so much a monster as the F6F I built last year. This one should have about a 2 in. shorter wingspan. It may actually fit on a shelf! Speaking of shelves, part of the reason I picked this one as my next project is the appalling lack of American aircraft on display in my man cave. I have only completed two American-built planes, and neither of them is wearing American markings! 😮 That needs to be remedied!
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