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Everything posted by russ

  1. Whilst waiting for some supplies to arrive, I got to work on the pilot house. The house sits on a raised base and that was the first order of business. Here is how I made the base. I made it this way to be able to more easily and in the round up of the bulkhead frame tops into the bottom of the base. Russ
  2. Lawrence: Thanks for the kind words. I also find the lines of these boats very appealing, especially up forward. The planking should be fun. Russ
  3. That looks good. Different challenges require different solutions. I spend a good deal of time just thinking about how to get a particular piece made. The first pass is rarely the last, but it is fun and it keeps the mind active. Good work. Russ
  4. Pat: That was exactly what my client was going for when she chose this case. She wanted no vertical frames so that when you look in the case, you do not have to look around anything to see the model and she liked the white acrylic base. Russ
  5. I am always impressed with your combination of neatness and accuracy. Great work. Russ
  6. Thanks. The manufacturer did a nice job with the case. Not many complaints. Russ
  7. The display case for the Samuel D. was delivered today and the model fits in the case very nicely. The last touch to add will be a brass name plate and then the model can go to its new home. Russ
  8. She looks great. I would not have known about the topmast shroud had you not said anything. Russ
  9. The rigging looks good so far. The deadeye strap issue is a problem. The CA will hold it, but getting it to look neat is a different problem. Soldering is a good way to keep that from happening. Russ
  10. I agree that the fourth rail is a bad idea. When you look at these rails from the side, there should be a graceful sweep towards the stem head. That is what you are looking for. Russ
  11. Your model is coming along really well. Nice work. One thing you might want to look at. Look at the top headrail from the side. It seems to me that the headrail should curve upward a bit more than it does. The curves from the top view look good. However, check the view from the side and make sure you have the proper curves there as well. Russ
  12. Bob: This looks like a very interesting subject. It is great that you actually found the plans for it. I am guessing that there are many photos of it. Was it wood built or steel? Will you model it at a particular point in its career? Russ
  13. Michael: Thanks. The sheer line is an important design feature of these luggers. If it is not correct, it will show. Russ
  14. Well, I have done it now. No guts, no glory. The bulkhead frames are glued in. No turning back now. Russ
  15. Kees: Thanks. I also think she has nice lines. The upright stem is an attractive feature on these boats. Russ
  16. I recall using diluted white Elmer's glue on rigging line way back when. I use beeswax these days. You can get a cake of it at a local sewing or crafts store. Un the line along the edge of the beeswax and then run the line over a hot light bulb to melt it into the line. Russ
  17. Here we have the framing almost complete. The knightheads will go in next. Once the framing is complete, I will spend some time fairing the hull. That process will take several days to make sure I have a good fair surface for planking. Once that is complete, I can begin lining off the hull for planking. Russ
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