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Everything posted by russ

  1. Had some more time for a few more planks. What can I say? I am having fun. The ports ide has two more full strakes and parts of two other strakes left to go. Then back to the starboard side. Russ
  2. Some more progress. I have done some sanding on the port side planking to see what I had and, while there are some areas I am not happy with, it is not too bad. Russ
  3. Sam: The ratlines look pretty good to me. The knots are very well done to my eye. They look like they are in scale. Nice work. Russ
  4. Nice progress. Making the angles on the ends of the beams looks like a challenge. Good work. Russ
  5. Pat: Nice details. Your inner bulwarks are really something. Lots of detail and it all looks right on the mark for scale. I agree about getting all those fittings in along the bulwarks. It would be the devil to try and get them after painting. I am looking forward to much the same issue on my build. Russ
  6. There was a little progress today. The planking is proceeding and, although it has not been sanded and is a little rough, it is getting there. Russ
  7. Bluejacket sells a chemical toner for Britannia metal and they might also sell a paint primer for it, but I am not sure. If painted, they will need some sort of primer so that the paint will have something to attach to. Russ
  8. That looks very sturdy. So long as she will not roll on you, I think that will work. Russ
  9. Your model is coming along very well. Nice work. Holding the model in some sort of bench mounted vise will probably do the trick. I have seen that done with several models over the years. Seems to work pretty well. The best vises allow you to swivel the model around to different angles. Russ
  10. The starboard sheer line looks fantastic. The port looks very good with the one issue you noticed. I see it. Not sure what is causing it. However, the model looks great. The method for carving the chine is a good one. I will file that away for future reference. Good work. Russ
  11. A rainy day and some progress. The lower belt is complete on both sides. No sanding yet on the port side. This is still a little rough looking, but you can see how the planking lines look. Russ
  12. Kenneth: You are too kind. Thanks. With the rain coming, I should have an opportunity to make some progress on the planking. Russ
  13. The planking looks pretty good. Please eyeball the sheer strake on the starboard side. It is probably the camera playing tricks with me, but it looks like there is a hump along the edge of the deck at the first plank butt. Probably a bad angle for me, but please have a look and make sure. Russ
  14. John: Thanks. I appreciate it. I am hoping to get near your expertise one day. Russ
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