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Everything posted by russ

  1. Very nice work. The use of natural woods and the addition of scratch built components really makes a great model. Russ
  2. Ken: Thanks for your kind words. That is a good question. I am not entirely certain about it since my research on local sail handling is incomplete. We have photographs to go on, but also there may yet be a few old timers who would know. They are getting fewer and fewer. Given what blocks I have seen in old photographs, I do not think the fisherman or the gaff topsail could be furled. Most likely they were just lowered. They were set flying, so lowering makes sense. However, further research may yield new information. Russ
  3. The case will be made by another. The model will be presented on Christmas day and then the case will be made within the next few weeks. The model will be in a protected environment until the case is ready. Russ
  4. Ken: Good work. I like the fact that you have done some research and added to your model's rigging design. Russ
  5. Steve: Your cross section is coming along very nicely. I have built cross sections before and they can be really fun builds. Russ
  6. Bob: Great work on the deadeyes and lanyards. The look of tension is very convincing. Russ
  7. John: Although my work is well below your level of quality, I also had some lines give me trouble as I was completing my recent rigging. Yours looks fantastic. Russ
  8. Bob, Dave, and Gary: Thank you all for your overly kind words. They are gratefully received. Russ
  9. Andrew: Best of luck with your build. I look forward to seeing your progress. One warning. Cats and rigging seldom go well together. Horror stories abound about how models were damaged etc by playful companions who think string is a toy. Just be careful. Russ
  10. Mark: Thanks. I value your opinion. I have been watching your build and I hope to get a chance to build a plank on frame version of these schooners in the near future. Russ
  11. Mark: I have been there in this situation. It is quite common. Your work so far looks great. This is a beautiful model. But, work on her when you feel like it and not when you don't. Russ
  12. Your work is really quite good. I especially like your rigging and sails. I will make a note of the thickness of your sails for future reference. Thanks for posting. Russ
  13. Pat: Thanks. That means a lot coming from you. I am more comfortable with her appearance now that she is finished. The client is thrilled. She loves it. Her son is going to love it as well. He knows nothing about it so the surprise will be something to see. Russ
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