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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Well, FINALLY!!!! Here are a couple of shots - not sure how well you can tell the difference, but first is a picture of the shrouds on the fore mast. These are with the kit supplied thread. This shows the shrouds on the main mast using thread from Chuck. I used the brown vs the black - think it is a better approximation for this scale. To me, the thread looks better than the kit thread but, more importantly, it is much easier to work with!
  2. Nice start on the planking - did you leave any planks for other builders in the Netherlands?????
  3. While I have not found (yet) the composition of the pintles and gudgeons in The Essex Papers, they were supplied by Paul Revere who provided the majority of the copper work (plates, bolts &c.) for the Essex. All of the references I could locate indicated he was supplying copper products only, with the iron materials coming from a foundry in Salem. Spikes were provided for 50 cents and 39 cents for rudder braces and pintles.
  4. I think I have the keel straightened out now - I shaved the holes at the offending bulkheads a bit wider so the dowel was somewhat loose then clamped the beastie with a piece of steel stock on both sides to pressure it straight. There is just a very minor (less than .5mm) curve left now, and I think that will work out as I start planking the hull.
  5. Well, I didn't specify which Friday, did I? Will try and get those pictures tonight!
  6. Welcome aboard, Lawrence! One thing you can count on with my builds so far - they take a long time, so no problem joining in-progress! Popeye has me beat, both on skill and rapidity of build. Not, however, on the enjoyment factor! This one has been fun so far and a nice distraction from the others! Hope that you can get a good set of plans on the Annie. She would be a very gratifying project for you!
  7. Hello, jaxboat. Still working on her a little at a time. Working on frame 10 right now (sanding the bevels). Very much enjoy this one - lot's of space to get creative as I move forward! Interesting about the deck coating - wonder if they used it simply to replicate the original as opposed to going for longevity?
  8. Welcome aboard, Kamil! Been a bit slow of late, but should be moving along some this weekend.
  9. We can always count on our dearest friend Sjors - the perfect example of patience!!!! Pffffft
  10. Superb looking ship, my friend! VERY nice bit of progress!!!
  11. Sweet! She looks great! Glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope to see ya back to 100% soon! With any luck we'll have a break from snow (24 inches since Thursday) so I can get some building done!
  12. Dang, Sjors - nice work! Fonzie is looking really statuesque now!!!
  13. Ahoy, John - Just thought I'd stop by and see how things are going!
  14. Stan - The light blue line would not necessarily be parallel to the base line as it traces the top surface of the curve of the timbers (I want to say sheer line but not sure it is correct in this instance). There would be a vertical 9as well as lateral) curve to the top lines as you progress from bow to stern - it is evident when you look at the profile. Not sure about the issue in your subsequent post about the fairly flat bottom and fit into the keel. Need to ponder that one!
  15. That be the ol' gal - the Mary Manning. Your turn!
  16. She is coming along nicely, Kamil. Those are some tricky curves to plank on that hull! Mind if I also pull up a seat and follow the building?
  17. Frank - If clamping it doesn't work, then will probably resort to filler on one side and sanding it down on t'other to get it back to plumb! Planning to double plank it and copper the bottom, so would hide the deformity and repairs (I hope!)
  18. Augie - I have one of the Amati keel clamps that should be good to clamp the beastie near both ends. Would it make sense to put something wicked stiff along the keel when I clamp it to help press it back to plumb?
  19. This one is probably too easy.
  20. The clue about the Commandant USMC with the MoH gave this one away. USS Neville (APA-9 and AP-16)
  21. Continuing to move slowly with the Essex. I have installed the garboard strake supports on the port side, and getting ready to work on the starboard side. As I was taking these, I noticed what appears to be a bend in the bulkhead former about midships I had been checking for squareness on the bulkheads and for straightness of the former while installing the bulkheads, so this caught me off guard! I went back and took some additional high-resolution flash photos and found that there is a bend evident in the keel between bulkheads 10 and 7 with a max gap of 1.5mm from plumb at bulkhead 9 (length between bulkheads 7 & 10 is 16.7 cm, largest gap is at 6 cm). Will this create heartache and loss of sleep (not to mention hair) if I ignore it? Is this something that, short of tearing everything out and starting over, I can work around in some manner?
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