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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. The trio get more interesting all the time - and each one already has a personality based on challenges so far! Congrats (or condolences) on joining the big boy table with Sjors and Augie!
  2. Beautiful work, Sjors - can I send you my Harriet Lane to finish for me?
  3. I'm guessing this is what us older folks knew as particle board?
  4. Beautiful work - thanks for sharing this with us!
  5. Nice progress, Adriaan. The planking is taking a nice form
  6. Nice job - looking good from here, Grant!
  7. I can not say any more eloquently what others have said, my friend. She is wicked slick (rough transkation - beautiful). Thou can be proud of the result - you worked through that dozen or so problems and, along with your gnomes, have succeeded (insert favorite animated gif here)
  8. Looking really good, John. Let me do some digging - I recall an article in (I think) an old NRJ about building a harpoon. Will see if I can find it tomorrow.
  9. Thanks, Augie - will try that out this weekend. Would that bend problem translate to the misfit for about half of the length? The bend at the stern to lay across the bottom of the transom worked better, but that is a twist rather than a bend. Time to drag this one off the shelf as a way to learn planking so I can do the Emma C. Berry the right way. Long day ahead - meetings til 2pm, then a 7 pm flight home, get to the airport about midnight then a 2 1/2 hour drive home. AND I need to work Friday. Come to think of it, the planking may need to wait another week. I think I need to hibernate for the weekend!
  10. Pinned to the hull then fixed in place. I suspect i may not have waited long enough for them to dry before gluing them.
  11. Augie - there is a small filler piece installed per the instructions, but certainly not adequate to the task. I did soak them before bending, but not for very long (about 20 minutes in warm water).
  12. Good evening, Piet. I was just doing some searching a moment ago on this and the germans did use them on their U-boats in WW-I. A description of WW-I German submarines see O. N. I. Publication No. 32 - GERMAN SUBMARINES IN QUESTION AND ANSWER, APRIL, 1918 at http://www.history.navy.mil/library/online/onipubno32.htm I think the reasoning behind so many teeth on so many surfaces was to provide the capability to cut through both horizontally and vertically when attempting to penetrate the net. As to when O-19 got her teeth, that is a tough one to resolve!
  13. Had some time on my hands this evening sitting in the hotel so went back and looked through my long dormant log for the Ranger. I have come to realize that the reason it has been dormant so long and the skeleton sitting forlornly on a shelf is that I am intimidated by the thought of planking this hull. I got 3 planks on (note it will be double planked) and do not like the look - is this clinker effect something that aggressive application of sandpaper and bondo will smooth out to allow for a smooth second planking, or is this doomed to failure? Not really sure why they did this or, for that matter, if I even got them lined up right to begin with. Help?????
  14. No updates this week - put the catheads aside for a few days while awaiting some new workshop items. About 1/2 way through installing the main mast - when I get that done will post some pictures of the end result. Thus far, only one part I am not really thrilled with but unless i want to start the mast over from scratch it will stay as is (that side, for obvious reasons once you see the pictures, will face the wall). On the road until Friday so no workshop time until then.
  15. Jerry - As opposed to reconfiguring the cannon and gunport, could you shift the deadeye to either side of the gunport? Would be asymmetrical, but would resolve the line-of-fire conflict.
  16. What you have above is looking good thus far - nice work! I ran into the same problem with my HL. I ended up adding an additional piece atop the existing bulwark and then a new rail on top of that. You can see in this one how much height I added - You may want to consider holding off on installing the cap rail until you get some of the deck and paddle box work finished.
  17. Exceptional idea, Adam - thanky you! Good to see you have quality interns working with you as well
  18. You've pretty much got it there, Ron. Here is a drawing I have been using based on Steel. Use the bottom of the hounds as your guide point. Use Lees with caution for the Oneida - it is probably close enough, but by 1808 there was some drift away from the English Establishment.
  19. Dang - we may need a LOT more popcorn and beverages to await that next update!!! Good thing "he who shall not be named" is busy this weekend else the demand for pictures would go much higher! Glad you are feeling better, Popeye!
  20. Beautiful workmanship, Piet. VERY nice attention to those details - they make such a difference! Congrats as well on a good dental follow-up. Glad to hear that!
  21. Ed - Thought you may be interested in how the New York Register of Shipping showed the framing of ships in 1857 & 1858. No specific ship named. Mystic Seaport has many of the volumes scanned and available to view at http://library.mysticseaport.org/initiative/ShipRegisterList.cfm This is from the inaugural 1857 issue. These are from 1858
  22. There were some differences between the plans sheet and the materials in my kit. Also, the instructions and the plans are at different scales. The bulkhead framer matches the plans although the slot for the mount aft of bulkhead 7 does not match the plans. My deck was about 5mm longer than the diagram on the plans. Note that the plas are at 1:64 while the instruction book is 1:50
  23. Welcome, Tyleen. No parts list with pictures, but you may be able to cross check with the instructions. Consider starting a build log in the kit build section - and don't hesitate to ask for help!
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