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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Thanks so much Mike. Already enjoying it. Thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  2. Thanks so much Dirk, Elijah and Rusty for the comments and thanks also to the "likes". Elijah, I got my monofilament from Amazon, but Chuck's source on eBay seems slightly cheaper. Bob
  3. Back home, and work has begun. It appears that I may be the first to use the the laser cut keel former and bulkhead set from Chuck. I'm also using the laser cut parts for chapter one. While I admire all of the great work being done by the group in cutting out their own parts, I am at an age ( just turned 80) where I would rather spend my time on other aspects of the build. BTW, the laser cut framing parts are virtually perfect, and required almost no sanding to fit snug and true. I began by assembling the stem parts and the tapering them. I then assembled the keel former and added the rabbet strip. Then, I tapered from the bearding line using a chisel and sandpaper. Next, I attached the stem assembly and the keel pieces.Finally, I drilled for, and added black monofilament line for the keel bolts. The next order of business was to construct the build board, using laser cut parts for the supports. The last task was to dry fit all of the bulkheads to the keel former. Now, it's time to glue in the bulkheads and fair up the hull. Bob
  4. Michael, Winnie is hard to pass up. Denis, at this point, I have no idea of when, or even whether, I will resume Lexington. In no event will it be while I'm doing Winnie. Bob
  5. After seeing the Winnie models by Chuck and Mike in person, and talking to Chuck, I decided to do Winnie now and suspend work on Lexington indefinitely. Bob
  6. We're back in Florida, and the longboat remains in New Jersey. Before leaving, I was able to make the mast, boom and gaff, which were all made from the square stock in the masting and rigging kit. I also made the horse at the stern from wire and mounted it. I was able to mount the mast, make eyebolts and hooks from wire and make the belaying pins. We are planning to be back in New Jersey for Thanksgiving and hopefully I will get a lot of the rigging done at that time. I will do the stropping of blocks and deadeyes here in preparation for that. Bob
  7. If the other castings will be like the figurehead in quality, resin would likely be my choice. Bob
  8. Thanks so much Art for both your comment and your concern. We will be staying in New Jersey until the storm situation is over. We have someone taking care of the house ( closing storm shutters etc.) and I wish the best to all of you in the area in a scary situation. Bob
  9. I've now completed the hull portion of the longboat. This included making and adding the windlass, making and adding the block on the stem and the roller on the stem, and making up and adding the rudder and tiller assembly. The last thing was to make and add the thole pins. I've started to make the mast and spars, which I hope to complete before I leave for home. Bob
  10. Great to have you back Ryland. I've had two bypass surgeries, so I understand the feeling well. The good news is that my last one was twenty two years ago and I'm still here. Obviously an unpleasant situation, but you have a lot to look forward to and you'll feel much better. Do your rehab, and enjoy your modeling. Bob
  11. David, say what you will about difficulties and redoes, it was all worth it. This is a truly beautiful model, and a reflection of your skills. Bob
  12. Thanks guys. It's terrific to be involved in a project like this with Chuck and a great group of builders. Bob
  13. Lou, they have set a very high bar for the rest of us. I'll just try to do the best I can, whatever that might be. Bob
  14. My time in New Jersey is growing short and there is much to be done on the longboat. I've now added and painted the cockpit seats and transom knees, and made up,notched and added the thwarts, including the hardware on the thwart supporting the mast, and the thwart knees. Now it's time to face up to doing the windlass. Bob
  15. After seeing , in person, the beautiful models of Winnie being done by Chuck and Mike, there was no way that I wouldn't want to give it a try myself. Actual work will have to wait until I get back to Florida next month. Bob
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