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Everything posted by rafine

  1. I've now made, mounted and rigged the fore topgallant/royal mast. This included the topgallant shrouds, stay and backstay and the royal stay and backstay. Also added the main royal stay and backstay.This completes the standing rigging, with the exception of the ratlines, which will be done next (always save the best for last 😀). Bob
  2. Vossiewulf, I only wish that I was that good or that it was that easy. The truth is that age and diminished physical capacity make it harder every day. I really do appreciate the thought though, even if it is a fantasy. Thanks. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Denis and Dave for the nice comments and thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  4. Thanks so much to all for the "likes". As always, your interest is greatly appreciated.. Bob
  5. Thanks so much Joe. Although my build started out as a study in frustration, it turned out to be very satisfying, and one of my favorite completed builds. I wish you the best and hope that you do a log. Please feel free to ask me any questions that may come up, and say hello to Sam from me. Bob
  6. I've now made up, mounted and rigged the fore top mast.This included the shrouds, two stays and a backstay.The topmast stay runs through a bee block at the bowsprit and then to a tackle hooked to the bow.The jib stay runs through a traveler at the jibboom and then to a tackle hooked to the bowsprit cap. Next will be the fore topgallant and royal mast. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Denis, Mike, Nils, Martin and Zappto for the generous comments, and thanks also to the "likes". Martin, there is no way that I could have rigged this model from the kit plans and instructions. Without the Smithsonian plans and tables, it would have been impossible. Bob
  8. Main top mast has been made, mounted and rigged. The rigging includes shrouds, backstay and stay. Also mounted thimbles for the topsail yard lifts and blocks for the fore topgallant yard braces. Next will be the fore top mast. Bob
  9. Thanks so much Sjors and the "likes". Good to hear from you again Sjors. Bob
  10. I've now done the same rigging on the lower foremast as on the main. Pendants, shrouds, sheer poles and the forestay. I also lashed blocks to the masthead for the gaff peak halyard and the main topmast stay. Next up will be the top masts and their rigging. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Zappto, OC, Jim, Ken and Rusty for the very generous comments, and thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  12. I've now done first rigging on the lower main mast. This included the burton pendants and shrouds and the main stay. Before doing these, I added cleats and eyebolts to the masthead and trestletree-crosstree assembly, as shown on the Smithsonian drawings. After finishing the shrouds, I added sheer poles.The stay is double and set up to tackles that are hooked to deck eyebolts forward of the fore mast. Lastly, I lashed blocks for the boom topping lifts and the gaff peak halyard to the mast head. Next, I will repeat this process for the lower fore mast. Bob
  13. Thanks so much OC,Art,Joe and Thomas for the kind comments, and thanks also to the "likes". Your continuing interest is greatly appreciated. Joe, I hope the correct word is "brave", not "foolhardy". It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Bob
  14. Finally, something new to report. After getting the rigging plans and data, I decided to start with the bowsprit assembly and rigging. This really wouldn't have been my usual order of doing things, but I just felt like doing it. I began by making the bowsprit, jibboom and flying jibboom, the spritsail yard, the cap and the dolphin striker. I assembled these after shaping and filing shoulders, where needed, and painting the appropriate areas black. Before mounting, I added cleats and eyebolts as shown, and then added the deadeyes for the bobstay, shrouds and forestay and blocks for the spritsail yard braces and lifts. I then mounted the assembly. I began the rigging with the gammoning and then did the bobstay and shrouds. After those, I did the martingales and guys.The martingales reeve through hoes in the the dolphin striker, then through eyebolts on the bowsprit, then through fairleads at the bow and to the bow pinrail. The guys lead through eyebolts on the spritsail yard and then to tackles hooked to eyebolts on the forward side of the catheads. I also added the spritsail yard lifts, which also run back to the forward pinrail. There is still considerable rigging left to do in this area when the various stays are run from the foremast. Bob
  15. Joe, it kind of makes you wonder why kit manufacturers can't or won't supply the same kind of plans. Bob
  16. Thanks guys. Joe, I'm not sure if I can post pictures of the plans. Copyright issues? There are two detailed sheets, plus 8 pages of masting and rigging data, showing rope and block sizes for every line. Ken, go to americanhistory.si.edu .They have catalogues of everything available. Bob
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