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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Just received the rigging plans and masting and rigging data sheets from the Smithsonian. They are so worth the cost and the wait. Now, it's back to work. Bob
  2. Thanks so much Denis,Elijah and Bigcreekdad for the nice comments. Elijah, the wait seems endless. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Jim for the very generous comments. I'm just a very old guy who tries hard. Thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  4. Looking really good Martin. I have used Micro Kristal Klear for the glazing .It dries clear and translucent. Bob
  5. Thanks so much B.E. I'm in a pause at the moment, waiting for the rigging plans from the Smithsonian. Bob
  6. Thanks so much guys for the comments and "likes". Joe, I appreciate the info. Would you happen to have the catalogue numbers for those two drawings. Thanks. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Denis and the "likes". Work is continuing very slowly. I decided to do the lower masts next. They were done from dowel, with the head sections squared by sanding. The cheeks were cut from boxwood sheet and the trestletrees and crosstrees made from boxwood strip, as was foremast platform. The cleats were made from boxwood strip and pinned to the masts. The boom support for the mainmast was cut from sheet with strip supports. I'm struggling now with how to proceed. Working on the masts got me to really looking at the rigging plans for the first time. It was not a happy experience. There is little useful detail, and much of what there is seems at odds with usual practices of the time as shown in Lees or Lever. Is anyone aware of a more accurate rigging plan for PdeN? Bob
  8. Thanks so much Thomas and the "likes". There's nothing that I enjoy more than making items like that. Bob
  9. Thanks so much Jim, OC and Jim for the kind comments, and thanks also for the "likes". Always appreciated. Bob
  10. I have now built and installed the rear cabin with it's companionway and skylight. This completes the deck items. The cabin was built up from boxwood strips, with some interior bracing to support the walls and roof. The skylight glazing is clear styrene sheet. The door handles are blackened pin heads. The next thing to be done will be the lower deadeyes and chainplates. Bob
  11. Thanks so much Thomas, Jason and the "likes". Jason, I'm just glad that I didn't have to do anything as complex as your beautiful headwork on Jason. Bob
  12. Well, I've been up north for the past couple of weeks having a medical procedure, but now it's back to work on PdN. I've done the head work , which is somewhat simpler than on others that I've done. That's not to say that it is ever easy to fit the cheeks and rails, but at least there was no middle rail or eking rail to fit. Once again, the plans and instructions are very vague on details, so I just fumbled along. All of the parts were made from boxwood sheet and strip. Bob
  13. Alan, the gaff is mounted well below the cheeks and they should not be a factor at all. See the photos in Post #549. Bob
  14. Thanks so much Alan. As to those vangs, I'll take your word that there's no reference in the plans or AOTS, and fall back to the likely answer that I just didn't like the way that the gaff looked without them, for the reason that you state about lack of tension. It appears that I belayed them to the topgallant backstay, for lack of any other convenient point. Probably not correct, but it worked. Bob
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