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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by rafine

  1. Not all that much to report for two reasons: I've been out of town visiting family, and the 1/8" blocks that I need to rig the remaining carronades continue to be out of stock at Syren. I have made up all of the guns and was able to install only two more of them. I have also made and installed the main bitts and winch and the pumps. The pumps were done with boxwood strip, black paper bands and wire. The bitts are boxwood strip with shaped dowel and brass rod and strip for the winch. Bob
  2. Thanks so much Grant and Ken and the "likes". Ken the link is on p.5 of this log in a post by Canute near the top of the page. Bob
  3. Thanks so much Michael, Denis, Rich, Tim, Thomas, Joe and all of the "likes" for your generous comments and continuing interest in this build. I'm just getting back to feeling like myself and the encouragement has been much appreciated. Tim, the Shapeways carronades are a stock item shown on their website. They, and a number of of other pieces, are available in multiple scales. They are really nicely done, with mounting lugs, breech rings and cascabels predrilled for elevating screws.The prices are quite reasonable, as well. They have made me a believer. Bob
  4. I've now gotten to work on various deck items. The first were the gratings and coamings for the hatches and the galley stack The gratings were done with boxwood grating kits from Syren. The coamings are boxwood strip. The galley stack was done with styrene tube. I also made the forward companionway from boxwood strip. The next order of business was to begin work on the guns and carriages. For the two long guns, I used the kit brass barrels and some left over carriages from the Lumberyard. I chose to mount the carronades on sleds, rather than the kit carriages, and made these up from boxwood strip.The carronade barrels are 3D printed pieces from Shapeways, and I am very pleased with them.The long guns and the first two carronades have now been mounted and rigged. I will be assembling the remaining guns and working aft from here. Lastly, I made up the forward windlass from boxwood strip and brass rod and strip. Bob
  5. Nils, I can't express any praise that has not already been given.Your build is magnificent. Bob
  6. Work is now completed on a bunch of items. These include the catheads, channels, hawse holes, pin rails, knightheads, timberheads and the rudder and tiller. The rudder is the kit piece ,shaped and tapered, and coppered on it's lower portion. The pintles and gudgeons are shown by strips copper tape with nail holes punched in. All of the other items are made from boxwood strip, cut, filed and drilled as appropriate to the various parts. All of the items were glued and pinned to the hull. Bob
  7. Thanks so much Denis, Thomas and GrandpaPhil for the nice thoughts, and thanks also to the "likes". Thomas, I had occasion to look back at your Syren coppering. I only wish that mine looked like that. Bob
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, but glad to see you back at modeling. Bob
  9. Thanks so much Jim,Nils, Dave,David, Al and Zapto for the vey kind words and encouragement. Very much appreciated. Thanks also to the "likes". Bob
  10. I've now coppered the lower hull. As I've said in recent updates, I'm not very confident about my current ability to do precision work. As a result, I opted to simplify the coppering process . I used the self adhesive copper tape and applied it in full length strips, rather than cutting it into individual plates. I scribed the plate lines in after the strips were applied. I also chose not to attempt to simulate nailing of the plates. I think the overall impression at this scale is OK, but definitely not as good as it would be if done more correctly. I've also chosen not to treat the copper. After looking at my Essex, which was done a few years ago, and left untreated, I like the way that the copper has aged naturally and will be happy if this model does the same. Bob
  11. I 'm not sure that I would forget that kind of accident so soon. The stuff of nightmares. Bob
  12. I have now made up and installed the cap rail.The bow pieces were cut from boxwood sheet, using card templates, as was the piece over the transom.The remainder was done with boxwood strip, wet heat bent to shape.The entire rail was painted black, using Modelmaster acrylic engine black, with multiple coats , lightly sanded in between coats. I also took the opportunity, before deck furniture creates obstructions, to drill the holes for and add the eyebolts for the gun tackle rigging. I also drilled the holes for the gun breeching line ringbolts, but these won't be added until the guns are mounted. Bob
  13. The quality of your work is beyond words. Bob
  14. Thanks so much Denis, Thomas and the "likes".I greatly appreciate both the kind comments and the concern. Bob
  15. Great looking work Jason. I' ve been thinking about some Shapeways parts and they look very good. Bob
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