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About Seventynet

  • Birthday 10/27/1953

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  1. Mark, I don’t foresee any problems making the carrier out of aluminum, I am just a bit hesitant about drilling the hole through the spindle headstock. It seems like drilling through 4 or 5 inches of aluminum would be quite an adventure and I don’t own a drill press. But it might be easy enough to mill a slot in a 1/2 square piece and epoxy it into the headstock inside corner to hide the wire. I’ll figure it out. Thanks again for the excellent design. Ian
  2. Hi Mark, Thanks for the explanation. The hole in your spindle stock stumped me until I realized that the headstock I have predates yours by a few years when there was no through hole, which as you say is perfect to run the wires up out of the way. That’s too much aluminum for me to tackle so I’ll try to find a different solution. Best, Ian
  3. That is a nice idea, Mark. Since I see you are not CNC did you use a fly cutter to make the hole? I think I will make this too. I notice there are dimmable RBG and possibly white light rings on Amazon that could address brightness levels. How did you run the wires up? It looks like the wire comes out the top of the headstock spacer…? Regards, Ian
  4. I agree with Yves. I used some 40 grit to start, eventually getting it to 220 grit and used fairing strips as I went. Lots of elbow grease. Ian
  5. Your planking job looks first rate. As far as what to finish it with I can’t help you but I do understand your sentiment as I felt the same way when I finished the walnut on my catboat. I often look at it and think I’ll paint a waterline and some colour below it, and maybe I will someday. Anyway your beautiful ship inspires me to get at my kit. Ian
  6. Beautiful job. I especially like the dragon head and tail. Ian
  7. Greg thank you so much for the kind words; although continuing to impress you will be tough indeed. 😀 Ian
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